
Iv cheated! Will she forgive me one last time?

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Its a slightly complicated story.

Iv only hard 2 serious relationships.

The first one was with a girl i met when she was pregnant & we fell madly in love.

Two years down the line we got engaged, & two weeks before i was meant to get my name put on our kids Birth certificate she started playing away from home at the weekend while i was babysitting.

She dumped me eventually after taking me back to watch the kid for two weeks while she went on holiday & you guessed it... she was messing around!

It took me over a year to get over her & met someone i thought i would like as much as the last.

I really liked this new girl at the beginning but i was scared of falling for her in case she done the same as before.

A night out clubbing i ended up kissing another girl,

i never told her because she had just told me how she really felt, & that she was in love with me.

This is where you'll all begin to hate me & i don't blame you, i do too.

I felt terrible about the first cheat & stupidly decided while i was drunk that kissing her best pal would make the relationship end.

She forgave me why i don't know.

That's when i started really liking her, because she could carry on even after me cheating.

My head was mixed up & i didn't know what i wanted, to stay with her? or leave. Another stupid idea brewed up in my thick head while i was getting chatted up by my friends girl mate & i put my self to the test. I flirted back got as far as touching her pants & stopped, i felt sick. I loved my girlfriend! I vowed never again, told her everything & we stayed strong until 2weeks ago.

She dumped me because she cant cope without trust.

Today was meant to be the day i asked her to marry me.

Iv never felt this c**p before I'm truly head over heels in love with her,

I know i look like a sh*t spraffer but i couldn't cheat on her again, iv hurt her too much & everythings too little too late.

I want to prove to her my worth but i dont think i can prove it to myself.

I almost ended myself lately. Thats how low i feel. Could she forgive me one last time?




  1. Best thing to do is get in touch with her and tell her how you feel and promise to never cheat again, and remember what you are promising her now must be locked in. Sounds like she gave up on you after giving you several chances, so it might be difficult but you should still try it... muster up the courage and be very very sincere, you must fight for her trust again. Best wishes to you!

  2. If i read your story right you never really had s*x with the two girls you just flirted and kissed then fondled a little. What i don't understand is why did you tell her if that's all you done? I think you were hoping she would leave you then when she didn't your feelings for her changed that night you liked her more then you thought. Some times honesty isn't the best policy. You just keep trying to get her back and she will come back. How old is she because that has a lot to do weather or not she comes back to you.

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