
Iv got 10 dollars on fiji against south africa do they have any chance of winning?

by  |  earlier

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or can i say good bye to my money. id love to see them win even if i didnt have money on them.




  1. Say goodbye to your money, chump

  2. yes i would back fiji , but fiji have to play a sevens style game to have a good chance. They can't play a pick on go and driving game. When it comes to scrums, ball must go in and out immediaty to the wings

  3. If it was sevens they would be a huge chance but sadly Fiji doesnt have a scrum to save its life. Beating Wales is one thing. Beating a tri nation opponent is another. Lack of discipline and no forward direction will cost them dearly. I hope they can make it competitive but I feel the Boks will turn it up and smash them by 40+

  4. Just say goodbye to your ten dollars

  5. Fiji is a wonderful team with a great love and passion for the game, however, they wont have the staying power against the Boks.  Bless their hearts for their wonderful passion.  Good thing it is only10 dollars.

  6. That could have been a good meal or a couple of beers for you, mate...

    Look on the bright side...Some people were probably even more ignorant and betted $20! Shame...

    Sunday night edit: Sorry about your $10.

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