
Iv got a telephone line towards the house i moved in but theres no socket for it was cut. how 2 reconnect it?

by  |  earlier

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Iv got a telephone line towards the house i moved in but theres no socket for it was cut. how 2 reconnect it?




  1. if the wiring is in the house you will not be charged to reconnect the telephone, if you call bt and ask them to reconnect the line they will do a search on the address and will set it up, you will have to tell them there is no socket in the house and they will send out and engineer to put in a socket but you must tell them you need a socket or an engineer will not call just call 0800800150

  2. the line will consist of one pair of wires. these need to be connected to a BT master socket terminals a and b. any extensions are connected secondary sockets terminals 2, 5, and 3 connected in parralel. But you will probably find the line is disconnected at the exchange, so BT will need to check the line anyway, so let them do it all.

  3. Don't be surprised if there is a connection fee though.

  4. In the UK there is NO way you can install a master sopcket,

    If you somehow managed to fit a new master socket , it will have been disconnected at the exchange anyway, and if you request to be connected , they will check the line, and disconnect the master socket as it will NOT be theirs.

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