
Iv got a tropical fish tank and iv got lots of baby guppy's and i wanna get a red tailed shark?

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will the red tailed shark eat the baby guppy's??




  1. Almost anything will eat baby guppies!!

  2. Yes unfortunately they will, get a tank divider, keep the baby guppies on one side and the shark on the other. this way you can have the best of both worlds!

  3. they will be gone in a flash.

  4. anything will eat the baby guppies! your best bet is to wait until the baby guppies have grown up and then go out and get a red-tailed shark. I've got one of them sharks they are a great addition to the aquarium

  5. it depends how big they are but they will most likely be eaten unless you have plenty of hiding spots like live plants and caves put some floating plants to because that helps.

  6. yes  these sharks are very aggresive

  7. is the best forum for a question like this!

  8. Yes they'll be gone,

    besides red tail sharks should be in semi-aggressive community tanks anyway... so even if you waited until the guppies were grown up you still might have problems as they're very territorial...

    Red tails are generally compatible with silver sharks, rainbow shark, tinfoil barbs and firemouth chihlids...

    this doesnt sound like your kind of tank if you have guppies, so i wouldnt suggest getting one at all


  9. i have a redlailed shark and at one point i bred guppies.

    If you put tones of plants and hideing spots them some of the babies should survive.

    When i decieded to stop breeding i just left the babies in the comunity tank but about just under half survived on there own.

    i never saw my shark going after the babies it was mostly the tetras and adult guppies (the adult guppies will normaly eat the babies as well). so what i did was have a seprat nursery tank.

  10. it all depends on how big your baby guppies are.  when you normally ask in aquatic centres they tell you that guppies are fine to be kept with other fish as long as they are 1cm+, i would also say that i would not suggest putting them in with red tail black sharks as i believe they are known to be aggressive, also they should not be kept with barbs or angelfish. good luck with your babies and i hope i have helped you with your question.

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