
Iv got asthma and want to do poppers?

by  |  earlier

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hey iv got asthma and im just wondering if i do poppers will i have an attack?...(im not g*y or anything i just want the high)




  1. Any drug can kill and if you have breathing problems, you are stupid to do any type of drug not monitored by a physician.

    If you can't enjoy life without drugs, you are not living your life. Get counseling to help you overcome your depression. Only depressed people do drugs as a way of self-medicating.

    Good luck.

  2. What the heck are poppers?  Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can be fatal, so it is nothing to mess around with.  Even if you do not know or have many triggers, anything big or small can prove to be one.  Don't mess around.

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