
Iv just passed my test and ran 2 red lights :( wot will happen? it was pur confusion on my part...

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Iv just passed my test and ran 2 red lights :( wot will happen? it was pur confusion on my part...




  1. You need to go back to the tester and tell him what a lousy job he done <

  2. If you were caught on camera then you will get a fine.  If not, count your blessings you are still alive.  Driving is a privilege - pay attention to your driving!  Good luck..

  3. If you ran two lights then you did not pass the test or the instructor was brain-dead.

  4. If you passed the test that does that mean you already have your license?

    If so then if you were caught on camera or by the police you will start losing points and then it will all depend on how many points you have and can lead to loss of license.

    If you weren't caught doing it then nothing will happen. Mind you it might take around 3mths for the letter to come if anything happens...  

  5. It's really not to much you can do other than pay the tickets.  Then you need to contact DMV to find out if any points were applied to your license.  The last you want is points!

  6. Think about it.

    Your "pure confusion" could have resulted in an accident, even deaths.

    If you are incapable of seeing traffic lights and responding correctly to them, then you are a danger to all other road users, including pedestrians. You ought not to be driving any vehicle.

    If your carelessness has been detected, then you can expect a court case and a hefty fine. Any repetition could mean the loss of your licence.

  7. I've just got to know........what the confusion exactly was?  Confused about whether to go or stop on red?  Confused about where is the brake pedal?


      How the h**l did you pass?

      You shouldnt be on the road!!!

      Its very lucky you didn't kill someone.

  9. Take some remedial classes.

    You are still not ready to drive every day.

    Either of those red lights could have led you to t-bone another car and perhaps kill a young mother, or her child, or an old lady...

    What was the confusion? Could you have been not concentrating on driving, by maybe talking or texting on your phone?

  10. if you got a ticket for running the lights, you will want to take a driver's education course to prevent points from getting on your license and your insurance rates increasing =-P

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