
Iv lost 10 lbs in 5 days from a good diet and lots of ddr lol but today i ate kinda alot ?

by  |  earlier

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like i ate a turkey hot dog (no bun) a bannana a salad with fat free ranch and i ate a piece of turkey bologna thats alot more than i ussualy eat do you think that will effect my losing weight?




  1. Losing 10 lbs in 5 days is not a good diet, it's starving and very unhealthy.  You should be eating between 1500 and 2000 calories per day.  3 meals and 2 snacks.  Eat whole foods, not processed, avoid fad diets, pills and potions.  Eat a balance of protein, complex and simple carbohydrates and fat, you need fat to absorb some vitamins.  Pay more attention to the numbers on the blood pressure cuff and your blood sugar and cholesterol, less attention to the number on the scale.

  2. Losing more than 2-3 lbs a week is rather unhealthy, never mind 10lbs in 5 days. I would eat or you could get sick.

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