
Iv really been thinking about s*x alot and i want to no the percentage about teen pregnecy.?

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i want to make love but i rlly dont want to get prenate and my mom find out. please help




  1. THEN DON'T HAVE s*x.   No matter what you do, s*x can lead to pregnancy.  There is no method of birth control (including condoms) that is 100% effective.  You really seem too young to be having s*x anyway.  And the word is PREGNANT.

  2. DON'T have s*x in that case there's nothing for your mom to found out, besides you're way too young.

    no s*x= no trouble

  3. If you are that interested, get a vibrator. You don't have to worry about STDs, getting pregnant or waiting for it to call you back.

    If you are too young to even spell correctly, then you are too young to be having s*x. Not trying to be mean, but it is what it is. Believe it or not there are more virgins in High School than sexually active teens, but T&A sells clothes, movies and CDs.

    Oh and FYI, guys will tell you ANYTHING you want to hear so they can have s*x with you. Believe me.

    EDIT: EIGTH GRADE?!?!?!? Are you freakin nuts? There is no da*mn way you are ready for s*x. You are what...13, 14? You know da*mn well you are too young and it is wrong, that is why you don't want your mom to find out. Show some respect for yourself! You're going to give it up to some punk kid because you can't keep your legs together. It's not easy, but giving it up is a stupid stupid stupid move.

  4. Then don't have s*x. This right here proves that you are not ready to have s*x. You have got to be like 14.

  5. Buy yourself some condoms. If a 3-pack is too expensive for you, s*x is too expensive  for you; abortion or carrying a pregnancy to term costs more.

    You have to be responsible for your own body if you plan on having s*x.

    "The Center for Disease control says that one-third of girls get pregnant before the age of 20." & pregnancy results 85% of the time that no contraception is used in m/f intercourse.

  6. Yuck you can't even spell pregnant.  Just don't have s*x.  With your smarts you will end up pregnant.

  7. One definition of maturity is "being able to delay pleasure, so that it gets better later"

  8. the only way you can have s*x and not get pregnant is to have s*x with another girl. plain and simple. no matter what method of birth control you use, there is always a chance that you can get pregnant when you are having regular heterosexual s*x.

  9. Waiting until marriage is the safest way to go. But if you do decide to have s*x, safe s*x is always the way to go.

    If you do want to have s*x i would recomend telling your mother.

  10. 99.99/100%

    is the percentage.

  11. OK if you wanna have s*x and your ready then do it...

    BUT you have to use a condom every time!

    or you will get pregnant...

    not might get pregnant.. you will get pregnant...

    and you should get on the birth control pill...

    just tell your mom you have really bad cramps and an irregular period and a friend told you the pill will make your periods better...

  12. Don't make an adult decision unless you're ready to deal with the adult consequences.

    Random little known fact: if you put latex under a microscope it does in fact have holes.

  13. why you wanna have s*x so bad d**n u cant wait until ur older ur only n the 8th grade dont ruin ur life for only 3 seconds of pleasure cuz u will regret it especially if u get pregnant u have all da time in da world ur young oh and dont have s*x just because you c or hear others kids talking about be a leader not a follower

  14. You're in the eighth grade, and just a month ago, you were complaining that your boyfriend wouldn't kiss you because of your braces.  There is no way you are old enough, mature enough, or responsible enough to have s*x.  And that's what it would be--having s*x, not "making love."

    You are still a child.  Worry about more age-appropriate things, and put your libido on the back burner.

    EDIT:  "ok and i ment pregnate."

    Oh, dear Lord.  Where is the eye-rolling emoticon when you need it?

  15. you need to just keep thinking about it. it only takes ONE out of millions of sperm. and the pill is 99% and so are condoms. NOT 100%. i know its tempting. i dont know how old you are but i suggest waiting and being sure you do your research on it before hand if you choose to. STD's are a reality too. HIV/AIDs, and herpes stay with you forever just like a baby. THINK THINK THINK  

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