
Iv tauught mi dog loads but can you tell me any unusual tricks to teach her?

by Guest57517  |  earlier

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iv taught her

sit stay down beg paw(both) wave stop quiet leave back away rollover spin what-hand touch bed on-your-mat




  1. you could teach her to stay when u throw a ball and then go when you say fetch, you can teach her to bow, you could teach her i dont know, im running out of tricks to teach my pet... hehe hes a CAT! i taught   him to shake, liedown, wave, shake2, hi 5, hi 10, dance (chase ur tale) beg and we r working on bow.. seriously hes a dog he even joins into our conversation!

  2. If you have taught her all that have a good try at agility! My dog does and  he loves it! You make them sit and run behind a jump then call her she should come! Just to warn you the seesaw is the worst to teach. And if she becomes good enough you could enter her in competitions and maybe she might become a champion. And if you have already done that try Dog dancing. It is the hardest and most fun thing to do with your dog!

  3. Bow - when there legs are flat but their bums in the air

    Legs - when they jump up and down on their back legs

    Beg - Sitting on her bum, but front legs in the air.

    Eyes - they cover one of their eyes

    Catch - put a treat on your dogs nose and tell her to leave it, then catch it when you tell her.

    Speak - Barking

    Slippers - go and fetch your slippers

  4. wow what a clever dog, you should teach it to dance with you

  5. teach her how to identify her toys by name! i think it's really cute.

    you can also teach her to fetch tissue when someone sneezes!

  6. Fetch your shoes

    Play Dead

    Put a biscuit on its nose and have it eat it ONLY when you command

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