
Ive a 5 year old son, 6 in december and he just will not go out playin!!?

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He prefers to be stuck in home watchin tv or playin a comp (which i now have put away until he is older) then 2 go out playing. i bought him new outdoor toys such as Trampolene, bite, skateboard, football etc but he cries when i ask him to go for fresh air. its worrying me an awful lot as im afraid he will be picked on when he is older from the other kids around as they will not know him.. please please help




  1. Just put his coat on him and take him out to the park/museum and get him used to being out in the fresh air :)

  2. don't worry he will be alright as soon as he starts making friends

  3. Hello s**y mummy, some children are shy, he might think what the other children will think of him, his clothes, the way he walks, talks, etc, dont ask him to go outside and play, ask him to come to the park with you, he woudent say no if you go with him, but if you tell him to go outside and play while you are at home of course he is going to be scared, tell him that you are going to the park, and ask him to come with you, say things like you will be alone, after afew times you have tried this he will see that its better to go outside and play than stay at home.

  4. I'd try not to make such a big issue out of it, but, rather, when you are both calm, tell him a story about how when you were little. Your mom would see that you were hot and tired and make you your favorite ice cream cone or something.  It might entice him a little, too, if you go outside with him.

    He probably lacks the social skills to feel comfortable doing something new.  Talk to him about how you'd make new friends, etc.

    Good for you by taking away the TV and computer though!

  5. oh god i know how ya feel my little one went tru the same thing,she was 6 i cudn put up with it so i went out with her just walking round the estate saying hello to the neighbours gettin her used to the people,roads,cars and pets in the area, i did this for bout two weeks and she over time grew more confindent about going it alone it took bout a mth in all, think of it like weaning them of the bottle or potty training it takes time but its worth it. now shes 8 and i hardly see her she is out all the time and is so healthy and im sooo proud to tell everyone how many friends she has around the area its great.

    I can 1000% guarntee befor u know it he'l be out playing and ul be driven mad with all his friends knockin down ur door!

  6. excuse me but should a 5 year old be out alone playing in the street?

  7. there is obviously a reason for him not wanting to go outside and play, maybe if you just try and find it out, maybe if you take him to parks and do outdoor activities such as playing football, riding bikes etc. maybe eventually he will see that playing outside isn't actually that bad, another thing i could suggest is maybe if you plant some vegetables outside in your garden, that should interest him,.

    i know its allot of maybe's ..... but maybe they might help =)

  8. You are in control here. not the child.     You have to give him fun things to do outside to keep him active so that he will not become obese and want to be on the computer all day.   So it will be your job to think of the fun active things for him to do.  

    He may have saw or heard something outside that he could be afraid of.   Ask him if there is anything outside that he is afraid of.   If not, take it from there and ask him what would he like to do outside.   That way you both win because he has something fun to do and you win because he is outside.     He is just not accustomed to playing outside.   Make it an everyday thing with him.

  9. You're the mother. He should do as you say. You can tell him "YOULL THANK ME LATER FOR THIS!" DON'T let your son continue to keep watching tv or play on the computer!  

  10. Where do you live? I grew up in Texas and the heat in the summer was unbearable so I never wanted to go outside. My mom would kick us out and make us go play.

    I do think 5 and 6 is too young to be outside by himself though. Try indoor activities like coloring, painting, playdoh, just play with him. He'll make friends when he is in school, enjoy your time with him for now because it doesnt last forever.

  11. If you're worried about the other kids you could always see if the other kid's parents are willing to let their little ones come over and play, or the other way around. As for going outside, just keep insisting and he'll get used to it. I loved to play outside as a kid, but I went through a period where I would cry and be miserable when they told me to go outside. I wanted to be with my mom/dad/siblings (whoever I wanted to be around at the time). Little ones often think we grown ups do all the interesting stuff when they aren't around, and that could be part of the reason why he doesn't want to go out. Have you tried going out with him?

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