
Ive already asked this before but watevs, how do you get a girl(s) to 4give you?

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before me and this girl were cool werent together or anything but shortly after that we ended up talking alot of **** to each other (kind of my fault but hey i apologized to them i guess apologizing doesnt get you anywhere now a days) and somehow her friends got involved and now we're all pretty much hating each other this wuz almost a year ago so yeah its been awhile havent talked to her since anything i can do????????




  1. maybe you do not do anything anymore because you already apologized.but for your peace of mind you may also want to try to call at her house and apologize again.if it still ain't gonna work then try to give her a box of chocolates with a note that you are really sorry.

  2. Sometimes you can't. If you want her back, be that Good person who is inside all of us. I've told my ex a thousand times, the proof is in the pudding, in other have to be that person you want to be as well as what she wants you to be. It's called compromise. Working together instead of against each other. Women will not take bs forever, I know me and my bf just broke up after 13 years, got tired of his c**p. Found someone who treats me nicely, and decently. It comes with age. You learn from your mistakes. Good Luck. P.S. Friends aren't true friends if they get between you and your significant other! Opinions are nice, but you know what they say about that!

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