
Ive been being teased what do i do??

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ive been being teased(im 10) and i tell the teachers and princible's and nothing works they help but the kids dont listen i have really good friend sto help me but they say i stink and call me fat i need good combacks or somthing to say to them plz hellp




  1. Look first of all, ifthey don't appreciate you andyourself, Just ignore them and be yourself, and maybe someday they'll find out how usefull you are. This has happened to me, but it's just that im 15 and i can beat the c**p out of them, lol. But anyways if they bother you ad don't appreciate you just ignore them until they come to you. try to do things that will bother them them. i'm not trying to be mean ut still just try it. But just don't get in trouble, because it would just lower your reputation in the school.

  2. wrong. you dont need combacks

    actually ignoreing them is the best thing

    its prob goin to be hard and all but just block them out

    and then when they relize it dont bother you anymore

    they will relize its getting really old and not worth it!!!


  3. Just ignore them, they'll stop.

  4. Ignore them. There's nothing wrong with you, but the bullies themselves. Bullies have low self-esteem (the way you feel about yourself), so they tease other people to make them feel good. So just hold you head high, stay strong, and keep telling yourself that you're special and you're worth it. You're not worthless and you're not whatever they call you. =)

  5. The only reason someone makes fun of another person is because they have low self esteem themselves.  They need to pick on others to feel good about themselves.

    I was picked on almost all throughout school for some reason or another.  I was picked on ALL the time because I'm so short, then there was the year I had braces, then the year I gained a lot of weight and even though I lost it all (110 lbs) they still called me names and the next year I got glasses.  It was when I stopped letting them see that it bothered me that they finally stopped.  When they see you hurt over it, it just feeds their egos.  I know it is hard, but trust me you are not what they say you are.  They say those things because there is something about you that they are jealous over and it kills them that they can't obtain it, whatever it might be.

    It isn't easy to ignore them and act like it doesn't bother you, but the more you realize that deep down they are jealous of you in some way, it gets easier.  Hang in there.

  6. I'm 16 so i know how it feels the best thing to do is to never Liston what they say. When i was teased my brother would come over and stick up for me. in your case i don't know if you have a sibling or not. If you do tell them about it and asked them if they can help stop the teasing. Every kid in the world has some problems like being teased. The kids that are teasing you are probably being teased by someone else. They just need someone smaller then them to take out their anger on. No matter what remeber to never to listen to what they are saying

  7. don't say anything! If you don't give them what they want they will leave you alone! trust me I have these problems, it's not fun at ALL. and your friends are calling you fat? Good luck, I hope i helped

  8. Keep on saying so when they call you something. They will leave you alone when they find out they cant hurt you feelings.

  9. This is what I did & had my daughter do, when she got bullies. Look at yourself in the mirror, practice rolling your eyes up,& put a look of discust on your face.Then look em hard in the eyes, no blinking.just stare Lifting your eyebrows..Don`t do this to anyone else especially teachers or parents.

  10. say stuff like: look in the mirror and u will see fat oh wait the mirror would brake if u looked at it,i stink u smell like  rotton eggs,u are so fat that Jupiter got jealous.

  11. Im ten too lol im teased alot like OH MY EYES i just tell the go

    shut up or ill tell the bus driver

    another one i hear commonily cool i just say there stupid

    when someone insults me i use the oldest one in the book look in the mirror oh weight it cracked when u looked at it

  12. ignore!?!?!?It worked for me!

  13. Look at yourself in the mirror.  Are you fat?

    Smell yourself.  Do you stink?

    If you answered yes, they're just telling you the sad truth.

  14. yeah dude, trust me, i know you. im 12 and ive been there...too many times. i know its tough, but just ignore em. just walk away, dont react. they want you to react, they want you to act insulted. if you just ignore em, theyll walk away and pick on someone else. trust me dude, just ignore em ;)

  15. teased at that age Its normal............ kinda. Use this line. When You ______________ it makes me feel ____________ beecause_____________. or just Why are u teasing me? Just tell me y. also IGNORE!

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