
Ive been crying for two days straight, please please help );?

by  |  earlier

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I've been dating this guy for over a year. I'm 15 and he is 17. We both lost our virginity to each other. But through out our relationship sometimes we break up over little things. And yesterday he finally told me that he has been lien to me about something. He say that last time we broke up he was so mad and upset that he walked down to a girl's house, a girl that he hates, and started to have s*x with her. He said that he was not even in her for 15 seconds before he pulled out. He said he turned around quickly so she couldn't see that he didn't c u m . We were dating for a year when it happened and he was single when he slept with her so idk if i even have the right to be upset like this.

We got back together not even a week later. And every time i asked him if he had sometime to tell me he would say no. I'd ask him if he had been with another girls while with me and he said no. He said it was the biggest mistake of his life and he didn't know how to tell me since he believed i was his one true love.

But now a month later it all comes out and i feel like its my fault. Like i was still in his life and i let it happen. Like I didn't love him enough or maybe i didn't make him believe it. I really don't know what to do. Please i just need someone to understand. );




  1. dont take this personal but young couples tend to fight more because they more in mature and selfish they want to recieve but not give

  2. aw man. i feel like i need to leave a long answer.

    but i won't, haha.

    i think...guys and everyone often makes mistakes with out realising. mistakes he made won't be your fault, would they? i think you should talk it over with him.

    and, if he's not complaining, you're caring for him the right way. you aren't blind to anything, if you two are closer now. makes sure your not afraid of him either.

    please feel better, and really enjoy your relationship :]

  3. Not trying to sound too cold, but welcome to life.

    Keep yourself busy - the less head space all this gets the better.

    And keep in mind for every top there's a bottom - for every high there's a low.

    Hang in there!  

  4. But through out our relationship sometimes we break up over little things.

    If he did this after the first couple of break ups, it may be a problem. If he did this after one to many break ups, and he knows that you and him would eventually get back together, then you should be upset.

    If you still want to be with him after what he did, then first let him know what he did was wrong, and instead of breaking up with him over the little things, try to work things out first. But him cheating on you isn't a 'little thing.' So it's your desicion.  

  5. YOU ARE A CHILD, you should not be preoccupied with adult problems. He is cheating because he is too Young to be in a long committed relationship. You both need to date other people to see what its all about before committing to each other.

  6. dont think that its your fault because its not. it was his choice to do what he did nobody forced him to have s*x with another girl, he did that on his own. and its normal for people to fight in relationships. sometimes it has to do with spending too much time with each other. and you didn't let it happen, you didn't even know about it until now. things will get better in time.

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