
Ive been feeling unwell for about 2days now, i had a small drink on friday night but i doubt its that ?

by  |  earlier

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since then yesterday and today ive had yellow poo, sorry to gross you out but can someone give me some ideas of what may be causing it etc and how i can try feel better etc?





  1. I assume you mean an alcoholic beverage- if this is the case, something in that drink didn't agree with you.

    I know a couple of people who can't drink Tequila- even a sip- they will be sick for several days. Everyone is different.

    Good luck and eat foods like bananas, rice, toast and applesauce- drink water too...that might help! :o)

  2. There is stomach flu going around.  Usually things like this have to run their course.  Eat light, drink lots of fluids, stay away from others...

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