
Ive been going to parties with my best friend?

by  |  earlier

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and each time HIS friend was there. and the first time i went, he told my best friend he thought i was pretty and whatever so we just danced and kissed the whole night. then the other couple times we sort of fooled around and kissed. in my heart i pretty much knew it wasn't going anywhere serious. its so confusing. i know if i keep seeing him, we will do stuff. i know it wont go anywhere. i want to stop because i dont want to hurt myself. what do i do and how do i avoid situations like this in the future?

basically i'll never want a one night stand.. i dont want to just be with someone for one night. it makes me feel terrible and low. i dont really get with someone unless im into them..

by the way he told me he just wants to have fun. the last time i saw him we were like fighting over a girl.. i wasnt acting interested in him but the truth is he was on my mind the whole time.




  1. Sweetie, what can I tell you?

    If you dance around and make out all night with the first guy that calls you pretty... that's gonna keep happening. I wouldn't even say you're giving off the 'wrong message', because quite frankly, how can you blame the guy for thinking it will go further?

    If you go to parties, don't present yourself to be that kind of a person if you truly believe you aren't. It's not hard to be cool and classy at the same time.

  2. Well you said so yourself that this guy isn't interested in anchoring himself to anyone. Seem's he's the type to play the field before settling upon one person and unfortunately you've volunteered yourself as part of his fun.

    Since you know it goes nowhere, you need to cut off this relationship completely unless you KNOW you can remain friends without having any type of feelings for him. If you try to be friends and you love him, you're only going to torture yourself when he's with other girls and you'll settle for being his play toy. Don't do that. Find someone better.

  3. Well to answer the question of what to do and how to avoid these situations in the future, I would advise you to be more mindful of what you want out of the situation and the possible outcomes prior to expressions of affection and/or interest. You can't just make out with a guy that you casually know through a mutual friend and NOT expect them to only be looking for fun. Some guys see kissing and fooling around with random chicks as "fun". By providing these activities so freely, you become the "fun" chick and that is often all they want from you. If you are looking for something more serious, you have to present yourself more seriously.

  4. Get a purity ring and if he asks about it say, I don't want to have s*x with anyone that isn't going to be in a relationship with me. I don't think s*x is just fun i think it's something special and i want to save it for somoe special.

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