
Ive been going to the same religious school for nine years. should i switch now??

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it has really bad activites,bad clubs, weak teachers/teaching,bad sports, but it has all my friends that i love. im really confused . idk if i should switch to another school for 10th grade. i mean im already accustomed to the environment im in and i know it will be a very big change..helppp




  1. If you do change schools, you can very well end up with similar problems.  The ones you list are very common.  Socially, you would just need to meet a whole new group of people and not see your friends as often.  You can of course see your friends outside of school, but it is different.  If you really hate change, or want to keep the good parts of your life, then stay where you are.  If you want to gamble for a new school and life, then go for a new one.  

    I suggest you read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  It is a great read for anyone in high school and it may give you some new ideas about your education.

    Good luck :D

  2. I'd stick with the school you're in, the next one would likely be as bad and you'd loose your friends.

    "The grass is always greener"

  3. Yes, get out three years ago if you can possibly arrange it.

    But seriously, you are likely to have to sell the idea to your parents. The reason that they have you in a religious school is that they are afraid that if you go to a public school you will come out lazy, drug addicted and s*x-crazed. And you won't get into the college of your choice.

    You have to show them that after nine years in handcuffs you will not go hog wild once you get out in the world.

  4. . You've got enough Points to re-post this in maybe the Religious section or Secondary Education, where ppl look for these kind of Q's.

    But you've already covered all the issues:

    You don't want to lose your friends. You might go from Bad to Worse if you disrupt your environment.  

    BUT schools are a place to learn, to accept challenges, to grow. Would you learn more about life in a different school? It might be rough for 3 years, but I bet you WOULD Mature more.

  5. is there another private school in your area? If it has what you feel the school you are in now lacks, perhaps that might be an option for you. You can always try public school as well, even as a trial basis, so long as going back to your old school remeins an option. You may find that where you are is where you are meant to be.

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