
Ive been having this dream for a while now...?

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In this dream i always get a pink paper describing some terminal desease i developed, immediately i drop to my knees and cry my guts out! The dream is so intense that sometimes i will actually cry (outside of my dream). But the pink paper detailing some desease that will kill me, and my crying are always the constants. Anyone know what this can mean?




  1. I think that you are dreaming that there is something wrong in your life and that it is really upsetting you, but in waking life you may be ignoring this. If you continue to ignore whatever it is you need to change, it will develop into something very serious, and cause you the pain in the dream. It sounds like you are feeling how you won't allow yourself to feel, perhaps, when you are asleep. I believe your subconcious knows what this dream means, so next time you go to sleep, ask yourself for more clarification, more explanation, on the dream. You can guide and direct your dream, to have more concious dreaming if you choose too...

  2. It Is simply a reacuring dream everyone has them, it could be as simple as getting a puppy on christmas or running down a dark hallway with someone running after you, it is simply nothing just a paranoid dream.

  3. I don't know, but I think if you ask this in the Social Science/Dream Interpretation category, you might get responses more to your liking. Hope you find your answer.

  4. There are many theories as to what dreams are although no one can prove their theories, this subject will always be up for debate.

    There are five basic human senses that normal people have. Those being sight, sound, taste, scent and touch. These senses are like probes sending information back to the brain. During times when we are awake these senses work picking up all sorts of information some new and some that has been picked up before. In order for our senses to continue to work in this manner we put up blocks inside our minds to sort out unimportant information that we do not need at the time. Although we can not stop the information we are able to for the most part not dwell upon it. Through a very small percentage of our brains we can call up information to help us function normally and still be able to do problem solving if we should need to.

    During our sleep time our senses slow down as there is not much information to gather up which allows our brains to speed up to process all of the information our senses picked up. At this time our brains working percentage is very high and the blocks we put up are no longer there. All the information we gathered are now speeding through our minds sorting them and placing them in our minds filing system. The small percentage of brain that controls the senses catches glimpses of this information and tries to analyze it by placing them together like a puzzle. When things do not add up to make sense to us we then search for information to fill in any empty spaces in these thoughts. We also visualize this information using thought images which are what we call dreams. We are able to do this by using the information that our sight sense had picked up.

    In our dreams we seem to defy normal laws of nature. Where as we can sometimes float or fly. Animals sometimes talk. In short while we are dreaming anything the human mind can imagine can happen in our dreams.

    Our emotions play a key role setting our moods and the direction our dreams will go. If we are upset or scared this will dictate our dreams to react in a negative way and if we are happy or excited then they will react in a positive way.

    To understand dreams we must understand how the mind pieces them together. It is a large percentage of new information and a small percentage of old information. Our short term memory we have plays the larger percentage role and is the key element in which our dreams are based on. Our long term memory are fillers to make what we see blend together.

    When we wake up sometimes we can recall a dream but this is mainly based on our emotional state of mind. Many say they do not dream often and that isn't possible. What has happened was their emotions were basically neutral during sleep that their dreams won't be recalled. The more emotional we are when we slept and when we had become awake, the more detail we remember which will also dictate how long we can maintain it's memory. In some cases the dream can be so dramatic that we allow the dream itself to become a memory which can be bad and trick our minds into thinking this event really took place. We tend to dwell on the dream or try and figure it's meaning out which will do more harm than good. We can see the effects of holding unto these false memories through people experiencing  deja vu, which is a minor effect but can also be seen in more harmful effects such as dilutions, paranoia, schizophrenia.

    The plain and simple truth is our dreams are our thoughts and images we encounter and nothing more. Putting too much stock in predicting the future or having hidden mental abilities through our dreams can cause you more harm than good. Best to let them fade away.

  5. DEATH DREAM Psychological Meaning:

    Dreams of death represent the ending of one phase so that a new one can begin. It can show forthcoming finalities such as the end of a marriage or career. These are symbolic dreams and are unlikely to forecast an actual event. If the dead person is someone you know, consider what aspect of yourself that person represents. For example, if you dream of your mother dying could it represent the 'death' of the motherly side of your own nature. Perhaps you should try to be more caring and maternal or perhaps plans you have should be nurtured rather than killed off. Alternatively, you may also be expressing your hidden feelings about the person shown. Do you have a secret resentment towards them or desire to be independent of them? Dead animals may also represent aspects of yourself. They indicate that you may be rejecting or repressing your instinctive side.

    Freud believed that everyone has two contending basic drives: Eros, which is the drive towards pleasure and life and Thanatos the drive towards death. If the dead person in your dream was yourself, you may want to consider the following:

    DEATH DREAM - What do Dreams about Death mean?



    1. What is being expressed in the death dream? Perhaps you fear dying and the dream is reminding you of your own mortality? It is healthy to accept that death comes to us all as this realisation broadens our spiritual perspective and loosens the grip of material craving. Everything in the world is the dust of stars but look deep within yourself and you may find the part of you that is eternal.

    2. Are you trying to free yourself from something? You may want to leave your old self behind so that a new you can be reborn. Free yourself of emotional burdens and open yourself to new potentials. There is no need to be a martyr. The way forward is to establish a new set of values that are beneficial to you and others.

    3. Do you feel suicidal? There's no need to punish yourself or punish others because of how you feel. Occasionally everyone feels that they want to retreat from life's problems or from the feeling of failure. But suffering is a blessing as well as a curse. It is through adversity that we grow to become better people. Be like a strong tree that bends with the wind but never breaks. Better times will inevitably come again.


    Mystical Meaning:

    To dream of meeting the dead people you once knew is part of the grieving process. Sometimes the feeling of loss is symbolised by being rejected, divorced or attacked by the person you loved. You may dream that they ignore you or have travelled far away. This is all part of the process of coming to terms with the death of a loved one. However, there are some dreams that cannot be explained as symbolism, allegory or metaphor. From the many casebooks I have collected, it appears that occasionally the 'dead' can communicate to us through dreams. I have cases on file where information has been given to the dreamer that could not have been known other than by paranormal means. For example, one woman wrote to say that her 'dead' husband told her exactly where to find the missing will and I have many instances recorded where the 'dead' person has announced their passing via a dream.

  6. First, you're the only one that can truly understand what this dream means to you.  You might want to consider some of these questions when you think about the dream.

    -  Do you have anxiety about death?  About disease?

    -  Why do you think the paper is pink?

    -  You cry when you get the paper.  What makes you cry?  Are you scared?  Angry?  Disappointed?

    -  Who gives you this piece of paper?  Is it always the same person or are they different people?

    -  Where are you when you get the paper?

    -  Is there anybody with you when you get the paper?

    -  Do you have other questions?

    If you can answer some of these questions, and write down the answers, it will give you a basis for figuring out what it means to you.  Most dream interpretation sites will give you generic answers, but dreams are very personal experiences.  Think about it.  Good luck!

  7. hmmm...what bothers me is why is the bag pink??? does that color have a significance in your life...and if your crying about it...I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with you. its probably a female you know (wife,sister, mother,auntie ext.)

  8. Have you been to a doctor to get a check up? It wouldn't hurt to get a physical with some blood work to see how things are. Your body might be trying to give you a signal.

    Also prepare for death and be ready. I mean prepare your soul and confess your sins and live your life on a straignt and narrow path. You should not fear death, it the most important event in your life since that is the door you will use to enter eternity, either in heaven or in h**l.



  10. I have strange dreams too... Every time I see a specific dream ( A large closed wooden dam , behind which there is no water at all ) someone I know dies.... It's some kind of premonition..... I do believe that people can predict the future even if these predictions are not so clear.... This dream has to do  with some strange or sad event in your life. Just try to make out what comes after these dreams..... For further discussion please contact me.

  11. well, a pink slip, when you work always connotes being warned about being fired or,being terminated.  the fact that there is some terminal disease and dropping to your knees makes me think there is hope of healing through prayer and every tear is a prayer.  seek a thorough medical exam and if necessary, seek a faith healer.  get a stronger relationship with your higher power.

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