
Ive been having trouble sleeping lately and i need help.?

by Guest66760  |  earlier

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ive noticed ive been having trouble sleeping lately.ive been sleeping like around 5am or not sleeping at all.i don't know why?ive also noticed i have to have a snack before i go to bed and ive been gaining weight cause of that.I'm improving from the late night snacking,it used to be ice cream and cookies now its a banana or an orange.does the eating have anything to do with it?i also have a tv in my room that i watch when i cant sleep.i really need help cause school starts in 2 weeks and i don't wanna be tired then.




  1. u said it urself u probably need fo0d in order to sleep.

    Eat a healthy packed dinner at 6 before sleeping in orde to feel full

  2. You are probably stressed out about beginning school.  Having your TV on in your room when you are trying to sleep is not going to help you either.  To get back on track, I would suggest staying up all night and all day long.  By around 9 p.m. the next day, you should be very tired.  Then take a hot bath.  Avoid caffeine from about 3:00 on.  Avoid sugar too.  Then lay down in your bed, and maybe read a few chapters of a book.  Then put the book aside, and lay there.  Take deep breaths and say "Arms relax."   Then say "Legs relax."  Order every part of your body to relax that you can think of, while taking deep breaths.  Don't forget your jaw.  Make sure you are not hungry either.  Then start pretending that you are floating on a cloud, and tell yourself you have no problems in the world.  The world is at peace all over the globe.  You don't have to go to school anymore, ever. The place you live in is safe and you will never get hurt.  Everybody loves you.  You have a million dollars in the bank and never have to worry about money.  Every worry you have, tell yourself it is solved.  (You can worry about those things tomorrow, but at bedtime, pretend all your problems are gone forever.)  Take more deep breaths and tell yourself to relax, relax....relax.   Soon you will be asleep and wake up early and back on track with your schedule.  

  3. try jogging after dinner and then drink som camomille tea with honey and that should nock you out

  4. First remove the TV! Second get a good book to read. Third make sure you have some kind of physical activity during the day. In order to sleep, you need to be physically exhausted, mentally exhausted and off you go. Best of Luck

  5. Everyone thinks tv is bad before going to sleep, they are wrong. Studies show that tv is a good activity to put you to sleep.  Don't do anything that will make you think hard.  However many people have problems sleeping. Stress can be a reason.  I've noticed when I'm really tired I have a hard time going to sleep.

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