
Ive been offered a job in Austria.....???

by  |  earlier

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Starting in 2 weeks time. I need to know what I need to do in these 2 weeks to prepare?The employer is sorting out the flights so I dont have to worry about that.I have a valid passport.What else do I need to know/ do to get ready?All help much appreciated. (Im in the UK by the way)




  1. She already said she's in the UK so dollars, IRS irrelevant.  Also, I think we can assume the water is safe to drink in Austria...

    Stock up on plug adaptors, make sure any friends and relatives you want to chat to a lot have Skype or MSN.  Find out how you'll get online from home over there.

    Fill up your IPod and buy a mini speaker dock to go with it.

    If there's anything particularly British (like marmite or PG Tips you can't live without, buy some).

    How will you get home for visits?  If you have to pay, have a look at buying a return trip well in advance to get a good price.

    Learn the language!


  2. Working overseas is a lot of fun. Some things that most newbies dont consider when accepting an overseas job is if the employer is providing the living quarters with a private bathroom and toilet... also meals, transportation, even safe drinking water. If all of these small items are ironed out beforehand then the job overseas becomes a lot easier and less stressful. Another consideration is pay. Will you be receivng your pay in US Dollars, British Pounds, or in Euros? Will the pay be deposited into your bank account at home in the UK or ???

    It does help to know a little German in order to get around in your free time. If you try to speak it, often times a friendly passerby may even stop to help you learn.

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