
Ive been predicting deaths. how can i control it?

by  |  earlier

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so ive predicted deaths. deaths of family, pets, and friends. none of which had any illnesses or anything that would make me think they would die. i dont know what to do. cuz ill wake up and decide some one is going to die within the week. one night i saw a clock where there shouldnt be one, along with the words 'running out'. i concluded that it meant running out of time and when i woke up, my pet was dead. i keep having dreams where this one guy is following me everywhere i go but he's a spirit. also i was in the car once and was really relaxed then all of a sudden i jumped up and tried to get out of the car while it was moving, all of a sudden a car came out of no where and hit it head on. do you think it's just a sixth sense? what if i predict the death of my mom or something??? help this isnt a joke




  1. With great power comes great responsibility.

    Have a drink, but don't drive.

  2. i think its a gift. but a depressing and troublesome gift, albeit a scary one too. i think you should consult a professional psychiatrist and tell him in detail. good luck :)

  3. Run away!

  4. There's no way to control it.  Just realize that just because you predicted it doesn't mean it's your fault.  If it's really disturbing you I would seek out someone you could talk to about it, like a therapist who isn't skeptical of situations like yours.  The last thing you need is to be told you're wrong or crazy.

  5. These predictions of death that you have is demonic in origin. I believe the reason you have predictions is because some of your ancestors were involved in the occult (such as grandparents, great granparents etc) and as a result of that the ability to predict things have been passed on through your family line after they died.I know that it may seem pretty cool to have those abilities but in the long run it will hurt you as is evident in what is going on. I don't know what religion you belong to but I can tell you that the occult is one way or avenue that Satan uses to to destroy and hurt people. Satan will use premonitions, predictions etc as a way of making bad things happen to people. So for example if a person keep on having premonitions of people dying evil spirits are dispatched to ensure that those people die as a way of bringing those premonitions to pass. I would suggest therefore that you pray asking Jesus Christ to forgive your family for being involved in the occult because it is a sin. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask for his forgiveness. Next ask him to cleanse your family completely from the occult and to take away from you every single ability that you have to predict people's death. The occult is not something anybody should ever mess with. It hurts and destroys people.

    By the way that man following you around I am sure is a demonic spirit. It is possible he is the one that has given you the ability to predict deaths. Demons are very evil creatures and they hate people and want to destroy them. In addition to the above I also suggest commanding every demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ.

    Take care and if you have any more questions you can send me a message.

  6. Don't. i need to know the next 6 /49 lotto numbers.

  7. Get a therapist.... they help you control things.

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