
Ive been reading alot about disaperaing bees. I was wondering how this effects food crops. Y r bees importnt?

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Do farmers use bees to grow crops? Im trying to understand how this can cause food shortages





  2. Einstein said when the bee's are gone the world will have four years to live. Its because he knows that the planet is on an awesome cycle lasting for more then just the 26,000 years we think it to be. If you take anything away from the natural cycle, then a brief collapse will occur followed by rejuvenation. This is why Al Gore is a douche bag. He is blaming us for global warming, caused by radiation and greenhouse gases, but what he doesn't tell you is that we are only accountable for about 6% of the total greenhouse gases. ( Even those numbers are thought to be false, because the lab that produced these numbers has failed over many years to present its evidence to the learned journals of science. )

    So even changing 1-2 % of our total gas emitions would be revolutionary change for the human race in general, which is not likely to happen. Al gore is selling you your own Apocalypse, making some last ditch profit from a dying country. Just know that nothing is posed to change, obama is NOT going to save the country or bring good changes to it, only barely keeping the poor happy whilst trying to make the most amount of dirty profit.

    SO, in essence, just live your life, and ignore the stupid c**p this country ****'s on us daily. See the beauty in things, enjoy it as much as possible, things are changing.

  3. bees polinate the crops

  4. because the bees pollenate the plants and pollen helps them grow better and longer

  5. Bees are the biggest factor in pollention which most food crops use. The use of hand pollention only happens when universities and seed companies need to ensure traits from each plant are not mixed. If you enjoy Ice Cream Haagen das has there Honeybee Ice Cream out which proceeds go to honeybees due to the fact that Vanilla is solely pollinated by bees.

  6. Bees are used to pollinate plants so they reproduce meaning they fruit or develop the edible bees no pollination .... no food

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