
Ive been thinking about 9/ you think???

by  |  earlier

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that the people in the planes knew what hit them when they crashed into the buidlings, do u think they were in pain..or did it just happen quick...i hate when deaths are caused by suffering..and this is a random question but i was just thinkinh u kno




  1. On one of the planes, one of the stewardesses was talking to someone on a phone when they hit.  She said something about how low they were flying because she could see the buildings going by right before they hit.  I'm fairly sure she probably knew what was coming.

  2. they new they were going to die. it was planned that way

  3. I imagine they were frightened..

    but i imagine the death was quick

  4. I'm sure they were scared but thankfully for them and their loved ones death would have been instantaneous.

  5. It may have been a slow agonizing death

    for those in the Twin Towers.

    I think it was probably quicker for those on the planes.

  6. That is very interesting that you asked this..I was just asking yesterday about it..but I asked what people were doing when they heard about it...and everyone new exactly what they were doing at that time on that day...

    Nobody will ever know if those people saw it or suffered by burning etc. I would think it was so huge a blast that it was very fast and they didn't even see it or have a clue what was happening. I still think of it and pray for the families and people it involved directly and indirectly... I guess we never know when our time will come to an end,,,Those people were safe in their offices not even close to danger....

  7. Since you can't see in front of you while in a plane, I would think that they were frightened, but the death was instantaneous.

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