
Ive been told that im cocky and id like to know how i can stop being that way........?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know what i shouldn't say...... dont give me a answer if your going to be a wiseguy ...........




  1. If only one person told you this, ignore it.

    But if 3+ said this, here's some advice; If someone gives you a complement, don't say, "Yeah, you're right," or "I try." just say thanks, and then maybe compliment them back. But be sincere in your compliments.

    Don't just assume everyone is going to like you. Sometimes people won't, and that's okay. Also, don't say stuff like "I'm the greatest." Nobody likes someone with a gigantic ego.

    Some other things you should never say; you stink, I'm better than you, I'm undefeatable, (invincible, etc.). Try complimenting people and talking about them. Never hog the conversation. If you find yourself talking all about you, finish your story and turn the conversation to them. A simple "How about you?" turns the conversation around. It's okay to talk about you, but try not to ALWAYS talk about you.

    Confidence is great, but overconfidence is overkill.

    Good luck. :D

  2. honestly, how many people have told you this? because if it is just one person who you aren't verrrry close to, then i would shrug it off.

    however, if it is very important to you, then when you think you are about to say something overconfidently, put yourself in the other person's shoes. would you want to hear about someone's accomplishments all day long and not be asked how you are feeling? just be a little more modest. for example, instead of rambling on and on about something great, shorten the story a little and then either change the subject or ask the person you are talking to if they have anything they would like to share! if they really are interested in talking about it, they will bring it back up. if not, don't worry about it!

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