
Ive been trying to conceive

by  |  earlier

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ok all last month my man and i have been trying to have a baby . but i always end up on my period .. could it be that one of us cant have kids?i need an opinion




  1. Be aware of you ovlation days, they can give you a guide and have s*x those days after that put a pillow above your hips and wait 30 minutes.

  2. did you mean to say all last year?

    we also had problems conceiving... have you tried a home artificial insemination kit? my partners sperm count was low and we did this and used the syringe with his sperm and air to push the sperm far into my v****a.  the kit only cost me £12 from and we have a 9mth old daughter.

    it could be you or him and AI can be a cheaper option than IVF to start with.

  3. i agree, sometimes it takes time to concieve, it may be your body is not ready yet, and you need to try herder. you also need to monitor your fertile days, calendars are available free online to check ovulation and all that, also when you want to have a boy or girl.

    when i had my D&C, it took me 3 months to get pregnant again, now im on my 5th week.

  4. It can take some people years to get pregnant a month isn't long enough to tell

  5. Maybe your doing it on the wrong days.After you period goes off, and a day before you ovualate you should do it that a whole week or 2. and see what happens.

  6. Dont lose heart so soon!!!! i have been ttc for 7 months!!... my doctor says it takes even more than a year for some people whereas only one month for some... so dont worry... it will happen, but wait... and doc told me i need to wait for at least a year and then only get a medical checkup done to see if anything is wrong... All the best..

  7. It usually takes longer than a month to get pregnant. There are a few lucky ones who achieve that but most of us it can take up to a year.

  8. It takes time ~ sometimes alot of it & sometimes it happens right away. Noone ever knows when it will happen. With my daughter it took 10 cycles to get pregnant. With my son we weren't even trying but had unprotected s*x "to see what would happen" (we won't be doing that again (LOL) & now we are TTC #3 & it's been 18 months.

    Try to remain patient & relax. The more anxious you get about conceiving the harder it becomes to get pregnant. I know that it's hard to not think about it everyday. I even go through false pregnancy symptoms, because I think about it so much that I trick my body into thinking I'm pregnant.

    You might find it helpful to join an on-line TTC group. Those are super great & the ladies on there are really wonderful & supportive. Everyone in those gruops are all in the same boat ~ TTC. They all know what your going throght & have helpful tips on tracking your cycle & getting pregnant.

    I hope this helps ^ Best of Luck

  9. there are only a couple days out of the month that intercourse can lead to pregnancy, all of the other days are just for recreation. Only 25% of people conceive the first month they try- which means 85% get pregnant in the first year. Your best chances of becoming pregnant are to know when you are ovulating. It takes longer than a month. Start keeping track of it and you will then be able to tell if you have fertility issues.  

  10. Most couples take 3-6 months to get pregnant. Only 1 in 4 eggs is viable, even if you're young and healthy. It just takes time, that's all.

  11. go to the doctor and get check both of you.... and then try again once ur period is over that you star to volute again

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