
Ive been trying to concieve for over 5 months and right now i think i finally did it but...?

by  |  earlier

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now i am getting cramps i am really scared. is this normal?HELP!!!!




  1. Cramping is VERY normal in early pregnancy! As long as you are not bleeding and passing clots along with the cramping it is normal.


  2. cramping is very normal at this stage. Take a test to know for sure

  3. i had cramping at that stage when i didn't know that i am pregnant u wait until u miss ur period do test if positive go to dr  

  4. Yes, it's normal AND you can get some spotting which is normal. I had pink spotting for a couple of weeks and thought I was miscarrying. I have a healthy baby boy now. A lot of people will say that spotting is reason for concern, and it can be, but it's also normal for some. Check with a doctor to calm you fears if you are worried. Good luck to you. This is an exciting time!

  5. i pray 4 u dear,take folic acid

  6. When I got cramps I thought well my period is due but after 10 days of my period is due and no period came, I found out I was pregnant! Good luck!

  7. i've been cramping for a week or so and i am about three days late and no period. so i hope you are pregnant and i will be praying for you and all the other lady's who are ttc. when i start cramping i get sad but look forward to the next month so hopefully you are not disappointed.

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