
Ive been trying to get preg...

by  |  earlier

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and finaly i get to find out if i am just 2 more days.. but I was just woundering if anyone knows why ive been getting cramps and stomic aces... they arnt bad cramps or stomic aces.... but is it cuz maby i might be preg???




  1. Cramping can be a symptom in early pregnancy.  Good luck!

  2. prob with early preg symptoms is that they are very similar to PMS symptoms so u just have to hold and wait until ur period is due if u miss it start testing...but cramping with no period can be a sign of pregnancy.

  3. those are definitely signs that you might be pregnant! don't get your hopes really high because if you aren't, your gonna be really disappointed.. eating right and exercising can also give you a better chance of becoming pregnant! good luck!  

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