
Ive been up all night and my boyfriend has been in bed, does this mean he doesnt care about me?

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Ive been having a horrible day today, and I just dont have anybody but my boyfriend to talk to.

I couldnt sleep because Ive been so depressed today, because somebody I know has died and I just cant sleep.

So Im awake its almost 6 am, and my boyfriend is in bed.





  1. He is asleep because he is tired and Yes, he loves you but it not his fault you can't sleep. I am sorry for the loss of you friend but time is the only thing that is going to make it better. You can sit with him today and tell him how upset you are,. I am sure he loves you and he will sympathize with you. Please don't be upset  with him, if he didn't care about you, he wouldn't be with yo now.

  2. My years of psychological training, nursing school, and 36 years of being a man led me to this one conclusion: your boyfriend is TIRED.  If you really need to talk to him, do it when he wakes up.

    If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about a temporary sleep aide.  Many of the new ones are non-habit forming and the dose that you will get initially is too low to be addictive but large enough to get you to sleep.

    Finally, if you are getting no satisfaction out of your talks with your boyfriend related to your depression over your friend's death, get together with others to talk it out or seek a therapist.

    Don't fall into the trap of jumping to conclusions.  Just because he is asleep does not mean that he doesnt care.

  3. maybes he doesnt know what your going through emotionally. doesnt mean he doesnt care, maybe he thinks he needs to give you space. Dont expect support to come your way all the time you have to go look for it as well.

  4. No sometimes you may need to do things or look a certain way to gain his attention. Sometimes men do not know how to react to our feelings so sometimes they just sit and wait for us to overcome things. I know thats how my 10 relationship works at time. Sometimes when im very sad he gets very nervous and want move. So try to calm down and see what type of attention you recieve.

  5. Why do women ask questions like this?! IT MEANS HE'S ******* SLEEPING! Men do not think as deeply into things as women would assume. I have had this exact thing happen to me. Like I told my wife when it finally bothered her enough to bring it up a week later, what it means is, you were upset, I assume if you don't request to talk, or start talking to me (or wake me up to talk, etc) that you would rather keep to yourself because your upset, that being assumed, I can no longer be of assistance to you in this situation, therefore, I will continue to sleep, thereby being well rested the next day and more capable of dealing with the next emotional crisis that you need me for. Don't worry about it.

  6. Your boyfriend is a guy and guys are so oblivious to things. You have to tell him that you need to talk to him especially now that you are depressed. He cannot read your mind. My boyfriend is so out of it by 11 PM.  He is like a zombie and basically he is useless anytime after 11 at night. This does not mean he does not care, he is too tired. Talk to him in the morning.

  7. It means hes tired grow up....if you try to talk to him about it when he is awake and he doesn't show sympathy then yeah maybe hes an ***....people gotta sleep.  

  8. am sure he cares, it's just that he has to obey nature, anyway am sorry about your loss.

  9. oh my another drama queen. the guy works, what do you want from him? give him a break get some sleep.the me, me, me, thing will send him packing, so if i were you i would cut it out.

  10. When he wakes up tell him you need his support and a hug.

  11. I would be up with you and be there for you, in these circumstances. He is not showing any compassion or love towards you. Sounds like he is a little selfish. I think i would have to think about moving on.

  12. typical girl who thinks world revolves around you and if it doesnt then OH NO he doesnt love you. grow up hes tired you idiot

  13. This sucks because you need someone to talk to, but like many others have said, he's just tired. The worst part was probably when he said (or didn't say) that he was going to bed.

    But seriously, this doesn't mean he doesn't care for you or what you are going through, someone you know died, and you're working through it.

    I can appreciate that you're up late and can't sleep over such a tragedy for you, your friends, your family, or anyone else who may be so affected by this. Just know that his going to bed doesn't mean he doesn't care, it truly just means he's tired. You're probably more tired dealing with loss, but the two of you are going through different things right now.

    Sometimes the people you love the most don't know how to help. And many times, people who know they can't change the crux of how you feel (which is just sad because you lost someone), find that not-helping is the best way.

    Just like everyone deals with loss differently, everyone (almost even MORE SO) deals with other people differently who are experiencing loss. Either one is quite difficult. Some people don't even know how to say, "I'm sorry for your loss."

    That's not a bad thing. It's just a different thing. Give yourself a break, and give him a break too.

  14. He's asleep, he may not even know that you are up.  Did you talk to him before he went to bed? Talk to him tomorrow.  He's just sleeping.

  15. It means you are upset and over tired sweety......get some rest.

  16. he doesn't know, he's asleep.

    but idk how he'd act if you woke him up "just to talk".

    so just hang out on here for a few more hours, & wait till he's up.

    trust me, i'm going threw this right now.

  17. He is asleep.  Why did you not wake him up and talk to him.  Sometimes we shouldn't be judgemental to our partner. For me this is the reason of ruining relationship doubts, judgemental on the situation. lol Don't think of that and I understand what you feel but your depression shouldn't take it out from a person who is asleep and don't be sentimental, somebody died well I understand but you should understand your bf also.  This is the situation, you want to jump down from a building and you want him also to be with you. Isn't it bad?  Just calm down and pray and relax he loves you that is why he is comfortable and relax sleeping besides you.  That is the situation you can't see.  If he doesn;t love you,  you think he can sleep? lol Good luck girl!

  18. It means he is sleeping.  Men are not mind readers.  If something is bothering, they needs us to tell them, even if it is obvious sometimes.  Did you try to talk to him when he was awake?  How was his reaction then?  That is what matters...I think you need to relax.

  19. Someone has to remain functional and sensible. Is he supposed to stay up all night because you can't sleep? What happens tomorrow?  

  20. i think you're having a breakdown here. how many times are you going to cry for help. LEAVE THIS GUY OR SHUT-UP ABOUT IT! i mean really i'm not trying to be rude or mean just leave him if you're not happy. he doesn't care about you, he doesn't make love to you the way you want it, he doesn't pay attention to you, he sleeps all the time, etc, etc, etc, you have any close friends you can confide in? sounds like you're struggling here. what else can anybody on yahoo answers offer?  

  21. No of course not, stop been so selfish it is 6am in the morning!.Everyone  has tragic times in their life when events happen that we can't control, but we still need to sleep.Talk it over to him or others you trust and tell him or them how you feel.It helps if you talk your feelings over and let your emotions out. If you are having trouble sleeping maybe visit the doctor and get prescribed some sleeping medication.Don't think up irrational thoughts like "he doesnt care" because it probably far from the truth and it just reinforces a self centred attitude on your part.

  22. may he thinks that he should leave u alone for sometime so that u can makeup ur mind rather than he consoling u.

  23. Does he know what all has gone on in your life?

    Possibly he was tired and didn't realize all this situation is truly bothering you.

    My best friend died in June. (age 22, best friend for 18 years!) He stayed up with me half the night when I came home (I took care of her with her family in her home 4 hours away for a whole week. She had cancer).

    He is military and had to work so I pressed him to get sleep.

    There is times, like tonight, I can't sleep. Too much on my mind. That doesn't mean he doesn't care. He just doesn't know all of the reasons.

    So talk to your boyfriend. He shouldn't have to stay up all night or anything. We are big girls. Face it, we handle more B.S than most guys do sometimes.

    But I do understand that you are lacking the emotional and affection from him.

    That is truely the issue at hand.

    Does he attend your feelings, needs and desires any other time? Talk to you daily. How you feel, go places, do things etc. Over all happy besides this situation about sleep?

  24. I think you need to get some sleep.

    He cares for you but you have to understand he is giving you an option to handle your business.

    Look go to sleep think good thoughts and thank God he is with you.

    My advice right now - Get some sleep.

    People die and you need to think of the good times with that person. Oh, talk to someone about this depression.

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