
Ive been using ovulation strips and......?

by  |  earlier

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I havnt used them for long. I had my last period on the 27th july (25days ago) on around the 13th day i had my 1st posotive result, that meant i was ovulating. So i had unprotected s*x with my hubby every day for about 4 days. Today on the 25th day, i had one ovulation strip left, so i used it today, and got a posotive result. what does this mean?? ( the test result was exactly the same colour and darkness as the controll line)




  1. well i've never heard of it picking up hcg levels so I am unsure about that. maybe you are lucky and ovulating twice? but than again I am not sure that happens either. Well I will be intrested in finding out the right answer when someone posts it?? =) So goodluck and just try taking a pregnancy test and maybe you'll get your BFP! yay!! good luck and best wishes!

  2. Ovulation strips are like most tests on the market and they do have a failure rate, could be a chance that you got a false positive.  Now I have heard that some women can get a positive if they are pregnant but i don't know much about this so you may want to do some research on this.  Because you think that you O'd on around Aug 8th you should be able to do a pregnancy test (use 1st morning urine and get a 2 pack or more of the digital kind so that you don't have to second guess if there is or is not a faint line, if you get a neg you can test again in a few days if no period shows)  tomorrow or friday morning and get the results.  Good luck to you and tons of Baby dust your way~~~~~~~~ :)

  3. Look at the link below.  

    You could be pregnant. Ovulation predictor tests will show a positive result when a woman is pregnant, as well as when she's ovulating.

    OPK's detect LH (luteinizing hormone) which is the hormone associated with ovulation. Pregnancy tests detect hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy. LH and hCG are, at a molecular level, nearly identical.  

  4. Well that could mean 2 different things...

    You have another LH surge before you start your period..

    Or they say that Ovulation test pick up HCG hormone as well.

    So if I was you I would run out & get a Pregnancy test!!

    Good luck!

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