
Ive been worried for about 3 weeks. please, help..?

by  |  earlier

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please don't be mean., i know i made mistakes so please don't lecture me..i just need help.

First off i'm 16.

i've been having lower stomach pains..sometimes their light cramps..sometimes its sharp pain.

My b***s were sore the past two weeks, but have stopped.

I've been slightly more tired than usual.

The past couple days i've been on the edge..a little too emotional.

(these are regular pms symptoms for me,but its only been 2 weeks since my last period?)

I had my period July 7-11. I had s*x with my boyfriend July 13..we used a condom, it didn't break.

I had my period August 6-9.

My periods irregular.

I've taken 7 negative hpts.

My question is, what are the chances i'm pregnant?

i know i'm too young & not ready to have s*x.

I'm very worried, please help.




  1. I am not on Yahoo! answers to judge people I am here to help out. I think that the symptoms are normal for teens especialy at your age. I realize your mistake of having s*x at 16 and if your condom didnt break then you are safe. If you feel bad about having s*x tell your boyfriend and if he doesnt want you because you dont want s*x then he isnt worth the time. Your period can be irregular until you are in your 20s so no worries and if all the tests are - no worries. : )

  2. OK... take a breath. I know you are scared - I was once in your shoes. Worrying and stress can make your period more irregular (even skip altogether), never mind the fact that in many girls their periods are not regular until after high school. If you have taken many hpts and they are all negative then you are most likely not pregnant.  Try to relax .. although I am guessing that is nearly impossible for you.

    I called Planned Parenthood, in the yellow pages, or any of those types of centers (you may even be able to call your local hospital for advice). They will talk to you privately and will not contact you or send you anything in the mail that suggests you talked to them. They are used to dealing with teenagers in trouble and can also prescribe birth control pills that will not only make sure this doesn't happen again, the pills will keep you regular (which is nice).

    Good luck, try to relax, and call someone and try to get on birth control for the future.  You may be too young for s*x, but you are doing it, so just do it responsibly.

  3. you need to see a dr., goggle some free clinics in your area or look on You could be pregnant if the condom was taken off or peeled down while you guys were finishing up. It happened to a friend of mine and she could have prevented it if she looked into it before s*x.

  4. From the dates you provided I'd say your period is pretty regular. I don't think you are pregnant but if you miss your next period then you should definitely get in to see your gyno. You should talk to them about the pain in your abdomen too. That may be a sign of something serious.

    Good luck. I hope this helps.

  5. well i now that if the period does not come for more than 40 days that mean hts pregnant

    but as u say u r period is regular so i hope that u r not pregnant

    & to be sure plllllllz use home pregnant test

  6. The condom didn't break, you've had your period since then, right? You can't be pregnant and have a period.

    You must be going broke with 7 tests!

    Some women get cramps during ovulation, which would be around now - 2 weeks from your period.

  7. Since the time you say you guys had s*x, I would say you are not were not fertile/ovulating so your chances of getting pregnant were very slim. But there is always a chance so i would suggest maybe bc pills? And since you already had a period, then I think you are in the clear. But just be careful, k? Good luck and god bless =)

  8. you should see a doctor, hes the only one who can tell you if you are pregnant or not, why dont you tell your parents? do they know you are having s*x?

  9. I guess just wait 2 more weeks until you get your next period...or don't get your next one, then take another test, try different brands.

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