
Ive ben the vacuum cleaner to get the shedding hair off my cat how do i keep the cat from running away?

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she always runs away for a week after i clean her




  1. The vacuum cleaner makes high pitched loud noise. Cats have sensitive hearing. If you were next to a jackhammer for 3 minutes you'd run too, don't blame the cat.  Get yourself a brush or comb and use that instead of the vacuum.

  2. If she is that frightened of the vacuum, stop using it and just groom her with a brush.

  3. LOL good question? I have several cats and when I want to chase them out of the room all I have to do is turn the sweeper on and Poof! they are gone! They slowly start sneaking back into the room later on. A week is a long time for the cat to disappear so might I suggest buying some canned cat food since it has the strongest scent and putting it on a dish on the floor after your done with the sweeper? The cat should return shortly and start eating. And here is one other tip; get a pet brush and brush your cat at least once a day if not more so there is less hair on your furniture. By doing this you'll put your poor cat through a little less drama.

  4. It is animal cruelty to continue using the vacuum cleaner despite obvious evidence that it distresses your cat. PLEASE STOP. Use a cat-friendly grooming brush (can be found in any pet store such as Petco or Petsmart). Wait until she is comfortably settled on your lap and turn it into a soothing ritual for her--brush gently, beginning at the top of her back and working your way down towards her tail. If she shows any signs of distress, tone it down and brush more gently. If she still does not like it, then stop and wait until another time. It may take a while to work up to the point where she is comfortable being groomed by you. Good luck.

  5. Not all cat's like the vacuum cleaner for one.  Try using a cat friendly (you be friendly too) brush for your cat.

    If you're just using the vacuum to clean the house don't worry about the cat liking it.

  6. I don't think that the vacuum cleaner is the best way... You should get a brush for her.  Make sure it's specially made for cats though.  You're going to have to brush her ever like week.

  7. Never use the vacuum on the cat. It is very stressful on the cat not to mention how it hurts their ears. Get a good brush from the local pet store and brush her daily. If the cat does not like the brush, start slow and gentle. If she really freaks take a lint roller and roll it over her to get loose hair. It makes no noise, she can barely feel it and it picks up some of the loose hair, you can also use it on your furniture.  

  8. get a proper grooming brush because your probably scaring the cat.

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