
Ive bought a mountain bike and am full of good intensions to use it but I havent been on a bike in 20 years?

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The problem is I feel really embarrased about going out in public on a bike. How do I get over this.




  1. I had the same problem. I decided to start riding my bike to work and hadn't ridden one in years. It felt embarrassing to be on one also.

    HOWEVER, after a while I got used to riding the bike and now really enjoy it. It's healthy, free (on gas), and you get to see more of the world around you that you'd normally be oblivious of.

    Instead of feeling embarrassed now, I feel a little superior to all the people sitting at traffic lights with their engines idling. I wish more people would ride bikes -- we'd have a safer, quieter, cleaner system of roadways. I think that now, with gas prices on the rise, bikes are going to continue to grow in popularity with Americans.

  2. Brothah there are so many different types of cylcists out there you shouldn't worry.  I mean you got the lycra sporty folks, the grandmas with baskets, hipsters with piercings and rolled jeans, homeless dudes, guys in suits and ties, ladies in dresses... you name it someone's on a bike.  No one will notice you except as a cyclist.

    I look like a total dork or "fred" when I ride.  I don't get all geared up to ride to work.  So it's kinda cool to put the dudes wearing clothes more expensive than my commuter bike (an old beat up converted mountain bike) in their place.  They'll race by at a stop sign and then gasp in awe as I crush them on the hills --- long story --- a little fun I have with "roadies" when I'm not in touring mode.

    Seriously - no matter how dorky you think you look your just a guy on a bike and the chicks are going to totally dig your rad leg muscles.  Own it brothah.

  3. I felt the same way as you do now - me, 40 y/o with expanding waistline on a mountain bike - what a sight!! the truth is nobody cares. Car drivers surprisingly courteous, other cyclists friendly. So long as you're not planning on going "tour de france" with lycra shorts and the like, forget about how you look on the bike - i reckon you'll get far more out of this than you'd ever believe possible.

  4. I cycle every day as I don't own a car and it doesn't embarass me in the slightest. You're keeping fit and using an environmentally friendly form of transport so go out and enjoy it.

  5. Hello,

    There is nothing to be embarrased about. Not everyone is a Pro Cyclist, I have been doing it all my life and I don't consider myself to be someone who rides for 20 miles a day, I just use it mainly around my local area.

    If you can ride it correctly, there is nothing to be worried about.

    Go and get it out now, ride it round the corner and back if neccercery, it is something that can be very enjoyable.


  6. Ask around at your local bike shop about group rides. In many places there are "rec riders" who might meet once or twice a weeks and ride 10-20 miles or so then stop at a bar or restaurant for appetizers and beer. You should be able to find a group that rides at your pace, and if you're concerned about getting left behind just say so and someone will ride with you and make sure everything goes ok. I ride with a group like this every wednesday and even though I could probably finish the route in half the time of some of the other riders, I hang back and just chat it up with the slower riders (it's alot more fun than sitting at the bar for 20 minutes waiting for everyone else to show up!)

    Another option is to find out what bike trails there are in your area and just get out and ride them a couple times a week. Nobody on a bike trail is going to give you any reason to feel embarrased.

    The only time you should be embarrased is if you're not wearing a helmet and someone calls you out on it. You might think that helmets aren't cool, but they're a lot cooler than eating through a straw.

  7. ride it for short distances at first. say 20minutes round the park or to the local shops. dont go too far too soon. your bum n legs will hurt like h**l n youll put it in the garage never to see the light of day again. Good Luck

  8. Buy some stabilisers

  9. If you're feeling a little self conscious about being on the bike get out into the countryside early on a Sunday morning.  The only other people you will meet are other cyclists, and believe me they've seen it all before!

    On a more serious note, take it easy at first and get a good pair of padded shorts, there's nothing more discouraging than a sore backside.

  10. Don't worry you don't know how to work a bike anymore.

    Biking is one of the skills once learnt, you never 'forget'

    Like walking and swimming

    Now watch it, don't over do it immediately and overtask yourself

    Chewing AND biking is for many too much ... ..

  11. I am 51 and enjoy bike riding, I do find it makes me feel good,just cruising along it seems natural to be closer to nature and other people you will discover how many nice people you never even notice riding in your car, I enjoy waving even saying hello to the people I encounter while riding. I would suggest that to help you re acclimate  to bike riding go where it is the norm,i.e. park, trails,beach soon you will be confident riding anywhere. I would also like to caution you that most drivers are not watching for you, however thieves are , I have had  9 bikes stolen in the last 2 years, so be sure to lock it always and register it with your local police department. Good Luck

  12. Cycling is cool and sensible and friends/neighbours will be impressed that you've taken it up. It's sustainable, eco friendly and it helps promote good health & longer life. You'll soon feel superior to those not taking any excercise! If you need to build up confidence you could stick your bike in the car and take it to somewhere quiet to get used to everything so you look a bit more experienced when riding near home but get out locally asap or autumn will be upon us (presuming you're Northern Hemisphere) and it'll be in the garage rusting for months. Best of luck!!

  13. Gravity works. You're just confirming that if you fall:)

    Go to a soft grassy area and do circles and figure 8's. Try popping the front wheel off the ground. When you fall (we all fall), it will be soft landing. Learn to roll. Don't tense up. I actually recommend you try to do a somersault or two to get the feel.

    Go for a group ride. Most bike shops have these. is a great example of a place to meet like minded people.

    Most important, just go out and have fun. Be a kid again. Maybe a big kid, but still a kid at heart!

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