
Ive broken my dads camera!!! I dropped it on the marble floor and the lens has smashed... any way to repair it

by  |  earlier

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He is literally going to cut my head off and stick it on a post!

Its a silver, small pentax one ??




  1. Well, depending on what kind of camera it is, there are two ways to fix it:

    If it's a point-and-shoot camera (the camera itself is small and the lens is permanently fixed to it) you need to buy a new camera.

    If it's a DSLR (larger and the lenses can be changed out) you might be able to just buy a new lens, but you're probably going to have to buy a new camera.

    Lenses are extremely complicated pieces of machinery, and once one has been smashed, there's no way to actually repair it and it retain the same qualities it had before, especially on a smaller camera.

  2. say you're sorry and offer to replace it with the same (or updated) model.

    p.s. I don't think there is a way to fix it

  3. Your gonna have to lie; blame it on someone or something

    Hahaa, for real though it's your only way out

  4. Blame it on a sibling (Y)

    Or the dog.... (if you have one)

    Or just promise to pay him back but never do

  5. Better to tell him now than try to hide it / or lie.

    He might get angry--he might make you pay for it. But I hardly think he will kill his daughter for something like this.

    Use the wrist strap to hold the camera when you get another. It will not slip out of your hand next time you hold it.

  6. Sorry, do much damage has been done. If the lens didn't smash, but just bend or something you would've been fine. But since it's smashed, there's literally nothing you can do. You couldn't fix it at this point, sorry to say you're doomed. However, if you have a dog or a cat, you can blame it on them, they wouldn't pimp on your hahahaha. Sorry, i guess you should ask to borrow the next time.

    Hope your dad isn't that mad, but he loves you, and he shouldn't be so mad at you :P

    Nathan Grammatico

  7. say sorry  and he will be fine with it.

  8. Not much to be mad to cut your head off, should be relaxed and talk to him ; hey dad i love you so much today for real, more then ever, you love me to, righ ? than he will say yes.

    and you say if i break your something with the value a few hundred dollar will you cut my head off, dad ? of course, he will say NO, then you can tell him the problem, OK.

    Make sure tell him first before he know the camera is broke, OK.

  9. You're doomed.

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