
Ive decided on getting a snake but dont know what kind to get. A type of king snake or a ball python.?

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I hear that king snakes tend to musk and may be more agressive then ball pythons. And corn snakes are not an option because i live in georgia and they are illegal here.




  1. Which ever one is more harmless and easy to feed

  2. I own a ball they are great pets and don't get very big.  They do require a little more commitment than some other snakes.  They are picky about humidity and feeding time.  Also they like to hide a lot but mine also loves to get out, as soon as I open the cage she will get out of her hide box to come see me.  As for the eating part, most go through a long hunger strike and will not eat, but don't get to worried unless it starts loosing weight.  If you do get a ball python only get a captive bred one.  they usually eat better and are parasite free.  Mine was wild caught and I had a few problems in the beginning.  Good Luck.

  3. i have 2 ball pythons (normal) and 2 kingsnakes (albino banana & mexican black).  milksnakes also make good first time snakes.  

    A lot of pet shops will tell you that ball pythons make good first time snakes but they really don’t…ball pythons take specific humidity requirements and ball pythons can go on really long hunger strikes (like for a year) which by the end of it both snake and owner are stressed out.  ball pythons are usually very docile however i have been bitten 3 times by my male ball python.

    kings, and milks don't need a whole lot of humidity.  a lot of times the babies are a bit nippy but their bite doesnt feel like anything at fact you might not even know that you have been bitten by a baby unless you are looking at the snake when it bites you, literally one day i had my mexcian black out and thought i felt something on my thumb i looked down and the little thing was latched on.  kings are usually very easy to doesnt take much at all and they seem to like being out, at least both of mine do, if they are poking their head out from under the substrate and i go into one of their tanks they will come out fast and get on my hand and come chill on my computer desk.

    oh yeah...kings do musk sometimes but not very much when they are used to being handled...i cant even remember when the last time was one of mine musked they only musk when they get really startled.

    good luck!

  4. Ball pythons are great for beginners!!!!

  5. That sucks because corn snakes are beautiful. Ball pythons are great though. You should get one. What will you name it?

  6. a ball python they are very friendly and i own one!! yeah i love my snake.

  7. Get a ball pyhton...they are super popular dont get to big and are easy to take care of.....and non-agressive

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