
Ive fallen for a new girl but when we have s*x and she cums she s***s herself, what can i do? ?

by  |  earlier

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i like her loads and shes perfect in every way, but she has this condtion with a thin membrane between here inner v****a and a**s that when pressured makes her **** everwere




  1. roflmafo ~ cheers for the laugh. stick a cork up her *** or film it for porntube  

  2. buy corks

  3. just give yourself the mentality that you banged her so hard she ****. and then give her a high five

  4. Give her a douche beforehand so her bowels are empty!

  5. ahh that must suck for u but u can keep having s*x wit her

  6. ewww she needs to see a doc thats not normal is it... yeah get her to take a dump. lol

  7. Get her to seek medical help asap

  8. I am sorry to say, that is not normal.

    She must see a doctor, there is more going on with her, and her body.

    Don't fool around with this, it is serious.

    Good Luck.

  9. are you joking?

    if your not then cant she see a doctor about that

  10. Solution: get her to take a dump before you do her!

    On the whole - or do I mean hole? - I think I'd rather have a girl who sh*ts when she orgasms than a girl who talks sh*t when she opens her mouth (but surely you MUST be joking tosh). I may be going out on a limb here but I wouldn't recommend you attempt anal intercourse with this particular chick!

  11. Have s*x really quickly so she doesn't ***?

    Works for me

  12. Try rubber sheets for a start

    Or film it you will make small fortune  

  13. So, you can overlook a woman shitting on you but not being over a size 10? I think you probably like it

  14. shove a cork up her ****

  15. Maybe that's her editorial comment on your performance as a lover.

  16. No Sh*t

  17. Your shitting me

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