
Ive got 5 baby budgies?

by  |  earlier

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ive got 5 baby budgies and there mother has escaped. plzz can anybody tell me what i can feed them and how to feed them plz as i dont want them to die. plz help. thanks




  1. Contact the RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Brids. They will be able to advise you:

  2. Pet shops sell formula for babies. 2 weeks old is actually an ideal time to begin hand feeding. But follow the directions to a T. Temperature of the food is very vital. You can do it at this age without a lot of problems.

  3. Try keep the baby's warm 24/7 if they get cold they can die.

    I would try feeding them some kind of nutritional porridge or some soft cereal. You can also get special porridges for birds which can be given to birds.

    If you are having trouble feeding them try using a syringe.

    If this doesn't help you maybe contact a breeder who hand-rearers birds because they will have a lot of experience in the matter

  4. How old are they?

    If they are just born - it will be difficult as you will have to feed them many times during the day and at night.

    You will need to dehusk the seed and mash it into pulp and hand feed them with a syringe.

    Failing that - go to local vet and get some of the high vitamin bird food (like pellets) - mix with a little warm water and again mash it into a very fine paste and feed by syringe or hand.

    It is NOT going to be easy to get them all to survive.

    You may have to be cruel to be kind and pick the strongest ones of the group.

    Another option - search for budgie breeders in your area and ring them for advice -

  5. you can buy handfeeding formula from a pet shop that sells birds.  ask the shopkeeper about how many times a day quantity and warmth the food should be. also call the vet regularly to make sure they are the correct weight and are still healthy and strong. hope they survive.

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