
Ive got a 4month old daughter and am 7weeks pregnant O.M.G dya reckon itll be another girl?

by Guest32521  |  earlier

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i love my children with all my heart so does my husband i have a daughter age 14 a son age 12 a daughter age 9 and my lovely little babygirl who is 18weeks my husband has made tongue in cheek jokes that he would prefer a boy to balance the numbers in our house a bit havent really had many symptoms kinda fancy eating pickled anything or drinking vinegar!! chinese calender says girl but got it wrong with my first!! no sickness dont feel overly tired any thoughts or comparison to your own pregnancies i know ill be happy no matter what so long as its healthy all children are a blessing i feel honoured to be a mummy




  1. I did the putting your wedding ring on a piece of thread and hanging it over my belly. If it goes round it's a boy and side to side it's a girl. I did it with my two and it was correct both times!  

  2. I'm about 50% sure.

  3. Well,I'd take no notice of the Chinese calendar or anything else like that. Try these methods, I know the wedding ring method works.

    "An ultrasound is the most reliable non-invasive way to predict the gender of your unborn baby. An amniocentesis is almost foolproof, but is invasive and poses a risk to you and your baby. However, there are a great number of unscientific methods of predicting the s*x of your baby that do not require a doctor at all.

    One of the most common is the Drano pee test. A pregnant woman mixes her urine with crystal Drano (not the liquid version). The color of the mixture indicates the gender of the baby. Brown means that a girl is on the way and blue means that you have conceived a baby boy. Another easy predictor is uses just your wedding ring. Tie a string to the ring and dangle it over your baby. If it swings back and forth like a clock pendulum, you are having a baby boy. If it goes in a circular motion, pull out your pink paint.

    There is one method of unscientific gender prediction that requires a little assistance from your caregiver. The next time someone listens to your baby’s heart rate, ask for the results. Anything above 140 beats per minute is thought to be a girl. Trying to predict the gender of your baby is one of the most enjoyable parts of your pregnancy. Dads-to-be and everyone else will quickly join in on the fun."

    Good luck with your pregnancy and congrats on your other children. Ignore people who say you should close your legs. If you're a stable family and you both work but have time and love for your kids then that's great!! xx

  4. i'd say about 50%

  5. It is a boy for sure ..I am psychic ...really ..

  6. I hate not knowing!! I have 2 boys aged 20months & 8 months & i''m 17 weeks pregnant with my 3rd! I am desperate to know if i'll get a girl but my pregnancy symptons have been fairly similar. The only difference is I am hungry 24/7 this time!! I have a gender scan booked for 2 weeks time so i can put my mind at rest- this is going to be our last so i'd love a girl! xx

  7. The chinese calendar got my daughter wrong, but predicted correctly for both of my sister-in-law's children. I think you could be having either, do you know when you conceived? If you conceived towards the beginning of your fertile period, you would be more likely to have another girl, vs. if you were later into your fertile period you would more likely have a boy. Better just hope it's not twins ;-)

    Wow is your family gonna get bigger fast! :-)

  8. wow, and i thought mine were close!!! I'm 11 weeks pregnant with a 29 week old!! As for whether it's a boy or not, i asked a similar question and most people said they had the same symptoms whether it was a boy or girl, so i guess your just gonna have to wait and see!! What does your gut instinct tell you? I think mine is a girl, and i'm finding out in 3 weeks with a 4d ultrasound, i thought my last one was a boy and he was, so cant wait to find out!!

  9. Have you not ever considered closing your legs or using contraception?

  10. i'd guess at a boy

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