
Ive got a bad cold and ive got a party to go to next!?

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Ive just picked up a cold (d**n it!!) and its one of those really running nose ones and watery eyes which is so anoying.

it couldnt have come at a worse time as i have a fancy dress party coming up and at the moment i look horrendous! lol. because of my constant nose blowing my nose is all red and sore looking. ive been using the soft ultra balm ones, but it still looks sore. any ideas to make this less noticeable?? lol!

can any one recomende me any cold stuff that you have used before that got rid of your cold ultra quick? i know colds take time and all that, but its worth a shot. lol!!




  1. best way to get off a cold is to stay in bed,

    drink much tea and soup,

    and eat hunney! or suck on any kind of food (like some candy)

    i have colds all the time and i just stay for a while off school and do that and it helps always

    Greetzz and have fun at ur party!!:P

  2. Rub plenty of vitamin E cream around your nose area.I don't know if invite brand is available in your area,but it is a good high strength vitamin E cream,only available from chemists.As for the runny nose get a bowl of boiling water add some vicks chest rub,place your head over the bowl enclosing yourself with a towel & inhale.This will do the trick.

  3. Here are 2 very good fixer uppers for a cold

    1#Brew a cup of very strong black tea add one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon cognac , one quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of butter. Drink this right before you go to bed. When you get up in the morning your cold should be gone. This remedy will cause you to sweat everything out. You can use rum instead of the cognac but add one lemon to the mix.

    #2 Pop some garlic tablets or try to eat as much raw garlic as you can

    To clear out chest congestion heat up a cup of white wine and inhale the vapors golden seal tea is good too for the sniffles. Tea made from ginger root  will help break up mucous and reduce fever and boost your immune system. For your nose rub some vaseline on it so it wont get cracked. If you follow the above you will definitly be back to normal by the weekend.  

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