
Ive got a question about bench <span title="press,(flat,incline,decline)">press,(flat,incline,decli...</span> plz read...?

by Guest44792  |  earlier

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now ive made up a plane for my chest and it goes

4 sets 8-10 reps for all.

flat bench

incline bench

decline bench

i was just wanting to know if that will be to much (4 sets 8-10 reps)?

i just got my bench press and i have been doing the flat and incline press but am tired at the end so if i put in the decline im not sure if i will be able to do it from my muscle being to sore.

should i drop the sets?

or drop the reps?

i will also be doing dumbell flyers flat and incline.

if im doing all 3 bench presses do i need to do the bumbell flyers?





  1. To answer your last question, yes. Do everything, all the sets and reps just give yourself proper recovery time, which is a minimum four days.

    This may help:

  2. you can start out with 3 sets total all excersises combined, flys included. Then after a few weeks work up to 4 sets. a couple months later, maybe up to 6 sets. Dont do the same routine every time. different each time is better.

  3. Drop the sets. The pectoral girdle is one mass. Hitting it from the different angles is really, in my opinion a waste of time. The only benefit is that you may be stronger in one movement over the other because you have stronger front delts or triceps and can stabilize the weight better at acertain angel.  

  4. drop the sets to two or three. don&#039;t drop the reps. 8-10 is to build stockier muscle and 10-12 is the build up the muscle and make it more dense. Since you just started try doing two sets of 10-12 and then in about two weeks move up to three sets of 8-12 depending on how you are doing you really don&#039;t need to go over three reps for each one though but that is totally a preference.

  5. Well a good rule of thumb to follow is if you can&#039;t do all the sets and reps with the current weight then you should lower the weight.

    Also it depends on if you want to tone your chest or bulk up. If you want to tone then do less weight with more reps (10-15) but if you want to bulk up then do more weight and less reps (4-8).

    If you want better results then do the dumbbell flys also because it will only help you out.

    Also remember it&#039;s a good thing your muscles are sore because that means you are actually working them.

    Best of luck with your lifting.

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