
Ive got a visa form for india and i need a little help!...On the form it asks for 'Business address',?

by  |  earlier

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'permanent address' and 'present address', what do i put under permanent address? Would it be my home address?

I have used my home address for 'permanent address'.

Also, it asks for who the the passport is issued by (which Authority/Agency?), this is mentioned in the passport so im okay with this question, but then on the form next to it it says 'At (Place)'...and I dont know what to put. I had a look in my passport but it doesnt say anything. Is the answer theyre looking for is the country where I got my passport? Or the city? Or an office?

Thank you for your help in advance.




  1. Will you take the visa form to the embassy or use an agency. If you use an agency then ask them as they will be responsible.  For  office  it is issued in the passport is issued  usually in  London. Thats enough if it was indeed issued in London.

    Permanent is your usual place of residence. Present address is where you are now. Maybe temporary lodgings for example. I have been to India many times and got the visa myself by quequing up. An agency takes the hassle out of waiting however and charge about thirty pounds.

  2. is there no forwarding adress or phone number,even for the pass port agency,as all your doing is asking for a quick word,if you can get through,i think it will mean permanent,as in your full adress,ie,home,but like you say it already asks for that information,they dont half know how to complicate matters,because as you will be aware,one word wrong or out of place,could cause your application to be re done,wasting time.something you may not have,well i wish you well.peAce.

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