
Ive got ants. i need help!!!!!!!!!

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i was in our garage today and i herd small scratching noise so i follow the sound and in our garage we have insulation tiles just to keep the bottom level of our garage a bit warmer in the winter so all the heat doesn't go up stairs anyway i pulled the one tile down and lots of ants came off of the the insulation tile i didn't have any ant spray so i got them with bee spray which got some of them but not all is there any thing i can spray to kill all of them (bug bomb?) anything to spray around the garage to keep this from happening these ants weren't eating the wood sub floor just the insulation so they wouldn't be carpenter ants right?




  1. You can bug bomb the area most work for ants. But so they don't come back put a soda can that not empty just out side the house so they never have to come in to look for food.  That what ive done for years and I haven't seen an ant inside sence.  Its a little healthier for you and the enviroment that way. There will always been ant but the trick is to not give them a reason to come inside.  If they a big black and have wings then they a carpenter ants and you will need to seek prefessional help.  

  2. there are probably a half dozen ants that would set up a nest in what you described, including carpenter ants. Ants don't eat wood they just excavate in the softer usually damaged wood which the insulation board would make them feel right at home. If they are between the stacks of insulation or burrowed into it the foggers will do you no good. As far as what type of spray to use on them when you locate them one is as good as another. If you know which piece of insulation has the nest in it wrap it in plastic and set it in the sunshine for an hour or so.

  3. go to lowes, walmart or home depot and look for any kind of ant killer, the soil type is easier to use in home, try Bayer Advanced Lawn 15 Lb. Grub Control or any similar. put it everywhere, even in the home of the ants. then cover up the holes with toilet paper or a better substance to keep them out. GOOD LUCK

  4. My exterminater told me to pour pure sugar around  Ants cannot digest it in its pure form (something I didn't know and after research found it was true)  They take the granuels back to the nest and they all die.  For what reason I don't know, but they cannot eat pure raw sugar.  Works for me and I have none now.  No sprays, no traps  just sugar.

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