
Ive got henna on my hand can you wear it to school?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting secondary school




  1. Nope, all visible tattoos must be covered up in secondary school

  2. Sure, just explain the situation to the teachers and maybe get your mom to write a note.;...


  3. Errr....don't think you'll get into trouble. If it was for religious reasons or a religious event then yes.

  4. yes its never a problem unless someone hennas something inapporiate in a visible spot on their body

  5. Uhm im pretty sure you wont get in trouble because henna isnt permanent

  6. Nope but just make sure you hide away from teachers and yeah

  7. I don't think mine would but if they did they wouldn't let me come to school until it was gone.

    Just to be safe cover it up.  

  8. you are allowed to wear henna to school my friend was in primary and in secondary so its no problem(believe me I'm going into year 8)

  9. You probably can, unless your school is strict and doesn't allow anything. But I'm sure it will be fine.

  10. It depends on your school.

    If your school is pretty strict with rules then you might not be allowed but if it isn't then don't worry about it.

    Two of my friends had henna's on their hands and my school didn't mind. But just think about how strict you r school is and decide.

  11. Depends how strict your school is and where abouts on your body it is

  12. u shouldn't be able to.. thats gross and it looks very un-hygenic

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