
Ive gotten a worksheet from skool on weather maps. Does any body know any good websites so i can understand?

by  |  earlier

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Them Also how do i read wind speed and direction. How would i noe what would the temperature be in 24hours of a location




  1. It depedns on what's on the map. On a station model, wind direction is blwoing from the direction the stick is pointing towards. So, if it's blowing from the northwest, the stick would be pointing towards the Northwest and that would be the wind direction. Speed is determined by how many flags are on the stick. Every flag is 10knots (18.4/11.5mph). Every half flag is 5tknots. To figure out what the temperature will be, figure out the rate of change of temperature over a time period. So if it's 75 degrees at 7:00 and at 3:00 it was 79 degrees. You would subtract the temperature, so it would be 79-75=4. Then divide it by the number of hours which would be 4. So the temperature change is 1 degree/hour. If that was to continue over 24 hours, multiply the rate of change by 24 and subtract it from 75. So it would be 24x1=24. Then 75-24= 51. So in 24 hours it would 51 degrees.

    Here's a good link to get info on weather maps:

  2. These should help and remember, keep it simple and have fun learning.

  3. Check out  NZ

    hopefully it helps.

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