
Ive had 3 tests,all neg,my doctor says im not pregnant,my tummy is swollen,i have all the feelings am i preg??

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my husband & i saw my stomach move just like a foot or hand moving,i have the butterfly feelings all the time,but my doc says it could be my bowl moving???? i hated coffee now love stomach has blown up over the last 3mths. anyone have any ideas??




  1. coffee is not good for you when you are pregnant- most pregnant women hate coffee... there is no way you saw a hand moving you would have to at least 16 weeks, by then they could do an ultrasound. and it would for sure be on the test. how long has it been since your missed period

  2. if you've had a blood test and it was negative, then you are NOT pregnant.  

    you don't feel the baby moving until 18 weeks or so.  so if you think you feel it at 12 weeks, it is probably just your bowEls (gas).  

    and your belly may be swollen because you are eating more because you think you are pregnant.  pregnancy is not a "free pass" at the buffet.  you shouldn't start to show until your 5th month... your pants may be getting tight at the 3rd or 4th month, but you should not have gained any weight thus far.

    take it easy on the food and keep trying to get pregnant!

  3. U ***** hav seen ur stomach move at all, that doesnnt happen tll your well into pregnancy, if doc says ur nt preg then ur not.

  4. if you have had 3 tests neg and your gp says ur not pregnant then i doubt you are. u could always ask for a blood test to know for sure. as for your stomach swelling, and thinking u feel baby, are you constipated??? that could be what is causing the butterfly feelings and lumps in stomach! im 10+4 wks preg with my 3rd baby, and i get a lumpy stomach n feelings of baby moving, but im constipated so know its just that. hope u find answers soon, xx

  5. hi if you saw and hand or foot mving you would have to be around 24wks, i only felt flutters around 14wks, i would go bk to the doctors and ask for a blood test which will gibe you a definate and accurate answer, becaus esometimes ppls hcg pregnancy hormone is not strong to detect a urine test, but if thats negative to (the blood test ) then i would be asking them to investigate to find out what is going on with you. But i am tellingyou that was not a hand or foot moving, as baby is only develoing these limbs, they are not strong and the bones are not fully developed yet. Im sorry i dont mean to come across mean. Hope you get on well and congratulations if you are pregnant, take care huni. xx

  6. Demand an ultrasound! At least then you will know for sure either way

  7. if i was you i would demand an ultrasound, and see if anything is in there,and also get a blood test.

  8. If your doctor tells you your not pregnant then your not ...when i was having my twins i was at least 5 months when you could clearly see both babies moving but i surly couldn't identify arms and legs ...sounds like you want it that bad your willing to see anything will happen one day for you best of luck

  9. if you saw a hand or foot, that would mean you were well over 24wks (six months) pregnant.

    you would also despise coffee - i don't know any pregnant woman who didn't get sick to their stomach at the smell of coffee, fish, and cigarette smoke, at least for the first three months.

    if the doctor says you're not pregnant, then you are definitely not three months pregnant, just wishing really really hard.

    when was your last period, btw?

  10. ask yourself these questions:

    have you missed your period?

    are your b*****s really tender?

    do you have bleeding gums?

    are you more tired than normal?

    do you feel sick?

    are you sensitive to new smells?

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