
Ive had a boat in the water 2 weeks now the keel wont lower whats the odds its barnicals stopping it?

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Ive had a boat in the water 2 weeks now the keel wont lower whats the odds its barnicals stopping it?




  1. Probably about 1000 to 1. The nasty little critters act badly in colonies and two weeks is not enough time.

    Think about what has gone on in the last THREE weeks. Did you have anything under the boat that would prevent it from lowering? Is there something in the bilge that the keel could bind with? Did the keel lower BEFORE you put it into the water? Was it free to move down?

    Look around and you will find the answer.

    Good luck.

  2. I had a stick float up into the CB well and that jammed the CB

    Pull it out and take a look

  3. no 2 weeks is nothing, be careful ,dont get under it, mabe you could lay it over on the beach and have a look .. if your trailer isn,t ajustable.

  4. Nil, check alignment of the keel. you didn't say what material it is constructed of. Or the age. they have been know to swell.

  5. not very likely.

    did you remember to pull the pin or bolt out that is used to hold it in place when it's down? That will keep it from lowering

  6. Depending on the location of the boat, type of water and IF there is bottom paint on the keel, trunk - it could very well be barnacles!  This happened to me when I was in college; I launch my boat one weekend and was too drunk/lazy/infatuated with a girl to be bothered to put her back on the trailer.  Left the boat in the schools small boat basin (salt water) for a few days, then a few more and after about 2 weeks I had barnacles and other growth on the hull and centerboard.  

    Good luck!

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