
Ive had my ears pierced for about 16 years now but one of my holes have been cut and infected kinda thing ?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible to get it checked over because its a open wound and what are the symptoms?




  1. this also happened to one of my friends.

    Maybe your ear is sensitive to faake earing.

    go to a piercing place and see what they have to say.

    It should be fine.

    My friend cleaned hers in tcp and salt water.

    it soon cleaned.

    If not go to your gp and get some antibiotics

  2. Could be an allergic reaction from some earrings that are not gold.

    Bathe in salt water regularly, and don't wear anything until it clears up properley.

    You might find it's best to wear silver or gold wires in the future.

  3. There is nothing worse than an infected hole.

    Sometimes leetle bunches of grapes pop out

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