
Ive have been dieting 4 12 weeks and have lost 50 lbs and now i cant seem to lose its at a stand still ill l?

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lose 5 lbs and then it goes back up and im not eating anymore in fact probaly less and i never take in more than a 1000 calories a day what is wrong and what can i do?




  1. Your body has it that plateau and needs more calories, try bumping it up to 1100 calories and then burn off 300 to 500 a day. Or eat 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism reved up. Your body gets use to a routine and needs a change for 1 or 2 weeks to start losing weight again.

  2. Your diet is probably the issue. You can lose weight for a while on that diet, but eventually your body will rebel. It's too extreme, and you have finally put yourself into starvation mode, so your body is storing what it can. The minimum the average person needs just for your organs to function is around 1200 calories per day, and when you take in less than that for an extended period of time, it backfires. You need to eat more, probably like 1500 calories per day (and yes, that is a DIET amount, normal would be more), and let your body adjust for a few weeks. Once your body realizes you aren't starving it anymore, you should be all set.

  3. You have low metabolism which is common, but you can increase it by following some healthy eating:

  4. Are you exercising as well as watching what you eat? Exercise and fitness go hand in hand with dieting. Find a bmi and weight calculator and you may find you need more calories. I have hit a plateau many times and it is frustrating. When that happens, I try to get moving more and eat more vegetables, lean meats and protein. Here are some more helpful ways to reach your goal.

    Good luck with your weight loss!


  5. If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy.

  6. "I never take in more than a 1000 calories"

    There's your problem right there. You have slowed your metabolism.

    Go off the diet for one week and eat six balanced meals of approximately 1800 calories. You may gain a pound or two but don't panic. When you go back to eating 1200-1400 calories you will start shedding weight again. If you don't do this, you will spin your wheels for weeks on end. Also be sure to exercise and build muscle or you will gain all of that weight back in no time flat. Muscle is what builds metabolism and burns calories.

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