
Ive just gone"raw" a week ago. Now i am looking to purchase a dehydrator. Which one do i buy?

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I wont be using it for a big family its just me and my girlfriend and probably ....friends once i learn how to use it.




  1. You should be able to get by with just a ronco, or Nesco from walmart, while you are just getting started.  I just purchased an Excaliber a couple of months ago, and I LOVE it, but I have gotten by just fine with my Nesco for many years now.  The extra expense for the excaliber was worth it to me since I dehydrate daily, and in large quantities.  You should be able to find a good dehydrator in any thrift store for just a couple of bucks (I see them, new in the box, all of the time in thrift stores)  Once you have perfected your raw recipes, you might want to upgrade, but the cheaper ones work quite well.  By the way, if you juice (juicers are also plentiful in thrift stores) you can use the pulp to make awesome raw bars in the food dehydrator.  Just mix the pulp with a little agave nectar and spoon it on the teflex tray-dry for about 8 hours-yummy!

  2. wat does it mean to go "raw"?

  3. Excalibur, the cheapies do not have the temperature control you need to NOT over cook you foods.107 to 115 is still consider uncooked allowing the nutrients to still be in place.

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