
Ive just had an interview with boeing, what happens next for me? Do they do more then one interview/testing??

by  |  earlier

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They interviewed 85 and are keeping 20. The position is aircraft sealer, any info is good! Im excited and antsy!




  1. The wait is really the hard part, as it took 4 months to get on at FEDEX. Big companys just take longer.

  2. They're no different than any other large company. They'll narrow the list down a bit, and then call some people in for second interviews. If you're one of them, things start to look up.

    But even then, it's by no means a sure thing. More than likely they'll have to weed out a few after that.

    On the plus side, your initial chances are roughly 1 in 4, which isn't bad. Many times hundreds of people apply for only a few open positions.

    The hardest part is what you're going through now - the waiting and hoping.

    Sorry I couldn't be more encouraging, but that's the way it is.

    Good luck.

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