
Ive just moved back into my parents house and I don't know how to keep my room clean with all my belongings!

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Yup I'm a boomerang kid lol. Ive moved back home and I can barely find my way to my bed b'cos of all the stuff! How can I organise my room and keep it clean and comfortable please?




  1. It sounds like maybe you don't need all those belongings.  Get rid of it.  The simple life is best.

  2. You need alot of storage like use your closet, drawers, shelves, etc. Also try really going through your stuff and letting go of things you dont need.

  3. Have you got a wardrobe/closet? What ever you call it!! I would put some stuff in thier nice and tidy and what ever else that can't fit i would put under your bed nice and tidy! And while you go through your stuff get a container and put the stuff in their that you will no longer need!

  4. Can you say Yard Sale?

  5. go to bedbath and beyond or something and get shelf organizers, closet organizers, and storage to put under your bed. if you still don't have enough room, go through all your stuff or rent out one of those storage garages and put your old furniture in there or something.

    if you are STILL needing more room, ask your parents if they have any suggestions or ask them if they have any extra room in the house that is not being used that you could store some of your things. maybe an attic or a basement?!?!!?

  6. Repack your stuff that you aren't using into stackable plastic totes. Label the outside of each so you know what is on the inside.

  7. I would only keep what you need in your room with you. Anything extra I would buy those plastic crates and store the things in there in a storage unit or in the basement or garage if your parents have one of those. The important thing is no matter where you store the stuff make sure it is free from moisture.

  8. rent a storage locker or start buying stackable bins. that or just throw out the many non-essentials that are probably making up the clutter.

  9. If you lived on your own you probably have more stuff than can fit in a single bedroom.  One thing is to donate or try to sell the things you don't really need.  Also you can try renting a storage unit to keep the extra stuff.  For things you really need you can use under the bed storage bins.  Also use a lot of vertical storage with lots of shelves.

  10. Fill two trash bags. Throw one away. Give one to the goodwill. That will help you a lot!

  11. just do ur best to clean the things....put them in proper way...or take the help of some friend...

  12. buy a nice shelving unit for your wall and get rubber-maid boxes to use to sort everything into categories. You will always know where things are and they are off the floor.

    Ask mom to help you out, for pointers. etc.

    Good luck.

    you will feel great once its done.

  13. You could start by investing in some storage containers

    found in most any store. You can store the things you wont be needing anytime soon and only keep the things available that you know you will need on hand. It could be a good time as well to sort through clothing and donate any unwanted items with the salvation army or other charities....Some will even pay for items if the condition is good.

    Take your time and try not to be a pack rat lol.

    I hope you can get back on your feet soon....things are tough out there right now so keep the faith.

  14. Storage

  15. mess up the rest of the house so your room will fit in.

  16. Don't look @ it as a big mess. Think of the bad things that could happen. you can wind up with mites(they bite u), bedbugs, spiders, and other creepy crawlers!!! So u better get that room done!  :~)

  17. ummm try goiong to the container store and get things to organize your stuff!!!

  18. You can buy plastic storage boxes from your local pound shop. They sell ones that stack on top of each other so they take up less space.

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