
Ive just moved into a house and the line thats already there is bt but i want to be with sky?

by  |  earlier

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sky have said they can take over the line rental but that i need a bt account first but bt tell me i have to stay with them for a year first and i have to be locked into that is this correct or even legal ?




  1. If you have taken a call option with BT it will have a min term on it, however if the line was not "installed" by you - i.e was in the house when you moved in then the min term on the line would be 3 months (for the days when BT only billed by the Qtr!). Sky will tie you in for 12 months regardless, and as has been said, with the latest BT call packages unless you really need SKY then BT would over the 12 months for most work out cost effective unless you have an less then normal calling profile.

    Hope this helps?

  2. True for sky as well as Bt, you need an active bt line and a years contract with sky.

  3. The line in the house will be disconnected, so it is not "your" line, it would have been tied to a contract with the previous owners. If you liven the line up for you to use ( getting a new telephone number) then BT will require a minimal 12 month contract with you. After that you can go to whichever service provider you wish but if you want Sky, it can only be by taking over an existing BT telephone number that is in your name.

  4. BT installed the equipment initially and maintain it and Sky just rent the air time, so BT have the whip hand.

  5. No, you can pay line rental to BT and route the calls through sky with "carrier pre-select" - where it is assumed you want to use SKY unless you dial 1280. But at the moment BT are giving free uk evening and weekend calls - so why not use them instead of Sky?

  6. Depends have you held an account previously?

    And you have to look into the total cost involved bt are a lot lot cheaper than sky.

    If you really want to be with sky then call BT and explain you dont want to be with them and ask what contract they can hold you under in regards to the line held. You have signed nothing - I take it the phone wasn't disconnected completely.

    Ask to speak to a manager - the person on the end of the phone to you is not paid to think and find a solution for you. Speaking to management is the way forwards. Ask them to explain to them why if you have got to stay and if the answer is not satisfactory then inform them you will sw trading standards and ask for the address to which you can complain

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